“We will not allow a new Russian attack on Kyiv. We have everything we need to build a nuclear bomb,” Ukraine is considering rebuilding its nuclear arsenal

Source: ua-stena


  1. The irony, is that all the threatened peoples of Europe and Asia, are thinking the exact same thing.

    The peoples of Tartaria, Crimea, Siberia, considering taking control of the local nuclear weapons.

  2. well, if the west is going to limit your capability to attach, you got to make it work yourself. good for them. After the collapse of USSR, Ukraine had the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal.

  3. RealSuggestion9247 on

    The real lesson since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and Russia’s belligerence in Ukraine since 2014 and the full war since 2022 is that the mighty do as the please and the weak do as they must.

    With the less than stellar story of western support and commitment to a fellow, albeit flawed, democracy will set the fight against nuclear proliferation back years. If a country cannot rely on friends and allies then they need their own joker. That is nuclear weapons…

    The world will become more dangerous, simply because we didn’t support Ukraine enough…

  4. Sadly this appears the only way to scare Russia. After all, they are always threating the use of nuclear weapons. That’s the only thing Moscow/St-Pettersburg fears at this point?

  5. PoliticalCanvas on

    Ukraine doesn’t need nukes. Ukraine need WMD MAD.

    Any form of WMD MAD.

    For example, if most Ukrainians will start study all publicly available information about WMD-creation, even this will be basic form of MAD. Because of unprecedented possibilities of civil tech and enormous numbers of Ukraine expats.

    Even basic redistribution of Ukrainian nuclear waste and drones over territory of Ukraine will be very effective MAD against Russia, that essentially is just Moscow city-state and its colonies.

  6. Say nothing, do it in silent. Nuke kursk NPP and blame russia. Let s do the reverse card.

  7. And they wouldn’t need anyone’s permission because they’re their own! Aim right for Lenin’s mausoleum please

  8. This is insane! Kiyv will never win this war. It’s mathematically impossible. Moreover, these statements put us in Europe in great danger. Not telling that these statements put Ukrainians in the even greater danger.

  9. Ukraine has more justification than any country in the world.

    – It would not be a violation of proliferation
    – Russia blatantly violated the Budapest memorandum
    – They are clearly necessary for defence
    – The threat against Ukraine is existential
    – We are not providing sufficient conventional alternative from the west
    – Russia actively uses the nuclear threat as a political bludgeon against Ukraine and the rest of the world

  10. Silver_Molasses8490 on

    This is not to scare rUSSIA, this is to scare the Western leaders. So they would start thinking “oh shit, if Ukraine looses, they WILL nuke russia, russia will retalliate and we will have to deal with the nuclear fallout”. And start supporting Ukraine with conventional tools of war in ADEQUATE amounts.

  11. Having given up their nuclear arsenal on some vague promise that Russia would be peaceful and the west would defend them, is how we got to this point. The lesson seems clear to both Ukraine and any other potential nuclear power… like say Iran or Saudi Arabia, is that such vague promises are not worth the paper they are written on. The west continues to waffle around on its commitment to Ukrainian sovereignty. Ukraine should go nuclear. It is the only way to protect against the nuclear blackmail that is currently in place.

  12. 1000% backing this. Putin likes to play this game. Just make sure it’s pointy and not roundy.

  13. ManufacturerLost7686 on

    The nuclear treaties were a mistake.

    The only way you prevent a war is with deterrents.

  14. TheWesternMythos on

    Reason number “I lost count” why the strategy of escalation management was always against our interests, unless we have flip flopped on non proliferation and I missed the memo. 

  15. This Zelenskyy guy has gotten out of hand and is bordering on craziness. We, the free people of west cannot accept this kind of threats with nukes.

    We should immediately invade Ukraine with NATO troops, just in case let’s push the Russians out too to have no distractions or whatnot. Set our boots firmly all over Ukraine and start looking for those WMD that’s supposedly being created.
    Zelenskyy must be arrested and sent to a warm island for a week or two, to let him think about his words and to understand that we are not accepting this kind of behaviour.

    After he has reconsidered, he gets the country back but we’ll just leave the troops there to be absolutely sure.


  16. Since Ukraine relinquished nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees on territorial sovereignty, seems the agreement with Russia is already violated.

    They do have their accession of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty , though the US and European powers are unlikely to enforce any sanctions at this time for violating it.

  17. God I hope they do. Make the west sweat for once. How we’ve treated our Ukrainian allies is second only to the Russians.

  18. thoughtlessengineer on

    Clever politics. This press release is as much for the West as it is for Russia.

  19. aManHasNoUsrName on

    The West did not hold up its end of the bargain for disarmament when Ukraine was invaded in 2014.

    Why would anyone ever give up their nuclear weapons moving forward?

  20. Revolutionary_Soup_3 on

    Now that’s a fucking lever boys.. no on the NATO invitation? Raise you a nuclear arms raise.. wait wait wait

  21. Careful-Sell-9877 on

    This is what Putin refuses to understand. Zelensky will NEVER back down if it means Ukraine dies. He will do *whatever* it takes to defend his people and his homeland.

    And he has every right to do so.

  22. Snafuregulator on

    At this point, it’s  a dangerous move but probably  the correct one. I cannot say it would be wrong to explore every avenue available  to defend one’s nation from an aggressor that will not back off.  Sucks we will probably  have another  cold war over this, but if it puts Russia back in its borders… guess we got to support Ukraine 

  23. Giving up their nukes is the reason they’re in this mess, they’ve learnt from their mistakes and should now correct them. Having nukes going forward is going to be your only deterrence, and that’s for any country.

  24. Ukraine actually gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1991 to Russia in exchange for a promise to never be invaded. So much for that promise.

  25. IntradepartmentalMoa on

    I loathe saying “based”
    …but, based. The disarmament treaty was broken by Russia

  26. Please do it and force the west to decide between between a new nuclear arms race on a global scale or actually helping Ukraine win by conventional means.

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