Fox News anchor Bret Baier admits Kamala Harris did damage to Trump: ‘She was on a mission’

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  2. Trump world is reeling from this disaster last night. They thought she would sheepishly submit and get bulldozed, but she came out swinging and turned the tables quickly.

  3. She did damage major damage to Baier and Fox News

    Especially after she caught them in a lie about that edited trump video

    Harris is a legend

  4. Turns out crazy concepts like: pointing out Trump literally said he would use the military on U.S. citizens is damaging. Who woulda thought?

  5. It’s very good that she did this but I’m pessimistic that Fox News viewers are reachable once the “this is a liberal” circuit breaker snaps

  6. Didn’t watch the interview, but I keep hearing he was acting completely unprofessional towards her.

  7. > It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses. We are on a mission from God.

    Go Kamala, nice job!!

  8. code_archeologist on

    And she did it on Fox News to people who would, under regular circumstances, be Trump voters. But like Pete Buttigieg has explained on why he appears on Fox, “you never know who else is in the room.” There were people watching that interview who may not like Trump but were voting for him because they have only heard the caricature of Harris that the network presents. They are now having doubts about that choice… and in an election where some states may be decided by a couple thousand votes, that can be the difference between winning and losing.

  9. This kind of interview was also harmful to Fox. She mentioned things their viewers have likely never heard.

    If they did even the most cursory digging, they might find they’ve been lied to.

  10. I_like_baseball90 on

    I’m betting in the other sub they’re saying she got creamed.

    Too predictable, those nuts.

  11. She was on a mission – like no duh, man. She’s vying for the presidency of the most powerful country in the world. Did he think she was expecting to compare knitting patterns and swap village gossip?

  12. Mother_Knows_Best-22 on

    A fair amount of us are on a mission to rid the country of a convicted felon / traitor who is always for sale to the highest bidder. Baier was disrespectful imo. Continually interrupting Kamala when she said something he didn’t like. The best part was when he showed the edited version of dump’s interview to omit when dump called Americans the “enemy within” and Kamala was on it! LOL Did Baier think she wouldn’t do her homework?

    Fox, dump, magats, billionaires, can all go to hell.

  13. if you go look at any of the videos posted by fox of the interview, the comments are just them parroting that she doesn’t answer questions and that she can’t answer without saying trump. and they’ve also started the narrative that she is “clueless and confused” like biden 🙄

  14. She us literally the VP of the USA. It is a PRIVILEGE to be able to interview her. Probably one of the highest points of Brett’s career. Do these Trumpers really believe some fake news anchor is going to run rough shod over her? No. Kamala is a former criminal prosecuter. She ate hardened criminals for breakfast. Brett is like an annoying gnat to her. 

    MAGA is delusional. 

  15. Frankie6Strings on

    She penetrated the Iron Wig defense system. I was nervous about that interview but it turned out to be a fun watch. He looked like an ass and she looked sharp, including catching FOX in a dishonest edit. Bravo, Madame President!

    Getting ahead of myself at the end there but I’m confident it’s coming. 

    Obligatory: Vote!

  16. ramadanveteran on

    «I believe the Biden/Harris administration open border policies are responsible for the death of mye daughter.» Harris: «I’m sorry. Anyway, let’s talk about Trump.»

  17. BishlovesSquish on

    Trump does damage to himself every single time he posts another meltdown on his social media platform. He is literally his own worst enemy, and the only reason that his supporters can’t see it is because they are in a cult. They are completely brainwashed to revere him like he is the savior of America. Trump actually posted on his platform saying this outright that he has been chosen by god, lol. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. They’re actually proud of it. Wild times.

  18. Interesting that “Kamala doing damage” is literally just “quoting things donOld has said at public events and interviews”

  19. An utter master class on going into the lions den and coming out with the king of the jungle hide on your shoulders. Don’t get me wrong, I doubt she did any damage to the minds of the roughly 35% of this country that is hardcore maga. But that 10% that falls more towards the middle, she definitely kicked open the door to them. Best of all, you can tell Baier during the interview knew it, and given the damage control immediately after with Laura Ingraham then Sean Hannity, and into this morning by Trump campaign, they all know she stuck the landing.

  20. BishlovesSquish on

    For anyone who thinks that she changed any minds of Fox viewers, please think again. I know people very closely and personally who watch Fox News religiously, and trust me when I tell you that nothing can change their minds. They think Democrats are evil and that this is a war of good and evil. They believe that Trump and Republicans are gods chosen people. It is truly unhinged level of delusion and not something that you can logically walk back. This is the worst Idiocracy reboot ever.

  21. >Fox News anchor Bret Baier admits Kamala Harris did damage to Trump: ‘She was on a mission’.

    Typical rightwing liar – always with the projection.

    If anything Brett Baier was the one who was “on a mission” as his very first wannabe-question on immigration was the typical Fox Entertainment’s false, evidence-free and baseless accusation phrased with a question mark tacked on at the end.

    As usual – shameless RW propagandist posing as an “interviewer”.

  22. If your honest with yourself and capable of thinking rationally, it’s impossible to support Trump. Trump’s support is emotional, and mostly the negative ones.

  23. “As opposed to me, with my pure, non-missiony motives to boost Trump and promote his spin at all costs.”

  24. just_some_guy65 on

    I wonder how the “she can’t even speak” narrative is looking?

    What am I saying? As if facts are remotely relevant to them.

  25. Ohnoherewego13 on

    Did the idiots at Fox not realize that Harris was a prosecutor? I know in Fox World, women are bad and submissive, but that’s just not gonna fly with a former prosecutor. Harris is proving that women can be strong leaders and doing it easily when compared to Donnie who can’t be bothered to do an interview outside of his safe space.

  26. I only wish she would have called Trump “your candidate” and then wait for him to say he’s not and then smile “sure.”

  27. She is trying to steer this country away from a Christo-Fascist state. Of course she’s on a mission, dummy.

  28. FazbearADULTEntBS on

    Guy at work this morning told me Harris got her ass handed to her by Baier and Fox. When I told him that even Fox said she did well, he said, “Well she did fine until the end when she got mad and her handlers ended the interview.”

  29. bobby-blobfish on

    Fight! Fight! And let’s win the good fight! Vote! And tell this Trump morherfucker to go to hell.

    We had enough of this crazy twisted and evil shit.

  30. I haven’t seen this much damage done to a pundit pretending to be an interviewer, since Jon Stewart was on Crossfire at CNN.

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