Vodka prices soar in Russia due to war

Source: TheTelegraph


  1. **From The Telegraph:**

    The Kremlin is being urged to increase the [price of vodka]( in Russia to match war-driven inflation.

    From next year, vodka producers across the country want to see prices increase by 17 per cent to cope with a rise in tax, import costs and logistics expenses as well as a fall in the value of the rouble.

    The increase will only match the impact of inflation that has escalated [since the start of the war](

    Veniamin Grabar, the president of the Lagoda vodka and spirits producer, told the RBK news agency: “The government is adjusting the market for inflation, as well as [changed cost prices]( and other components that form the price of vodka.”

    After the price rise, half a litre of vodka in Russia will cost 349 roubles (£2.37) up from 299 roubles set in June.

    Vodka is a staple of Russian culture and heritage. Much like beer production in Britain, every town in Russia has a local producer.

    The [average consumption]( of vodka per person in Russia is around 17.3 shots per month, the [largest consumption]( in the world.

    Maxim Chernogovsky, an analyst who tracks Russia’s illegal alcohol market, said that the price rise will increase demand for bootlegged vodka, known as “samogon”.

    “People, especially those with low incomes, are starting to look for cheaper substitutes and are switching to illegal alcohol and surrogates: samogon, ethyl alcohol-based medicines and other dangerous alcohol-containing products,” he told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

    **Article Link:** [](

  2. Suddenly that bag of potatoes for your husband’s death is looking pretty luxurious as far as compensation goes.

    Arent russians also famous for drinking liquids that arent suppose to be drunk, in order to get intoxicated? 

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