B.C. Conservatives plan $11B deficit in first year, higher than NDP or Greens

Source: SackBrazzo


  1. I really dont get how conservatives somehow get to keep the “fiscally responsible” reputation when they spend as much or more as libs and NDP. They just blow it on different things.

  2. It’s wild that they’re proposing a $11B deficit in the first year and aren’t planning on a surplus until “some point into a second term”, *and* aren’t providing details about where that deficit comes from.

    It’s also noteworthy that the difference between the NDP and conservative deficit is equal to the conservatives ridiculous tax cuts that don’t provide any relief to households and only provide more money to business owners under the same misguided trickle-down philosophy they’ve been trying to no success for 50 years.

  3. GhostlyParsley on

    So the Conservatives, virtually silent since the debate and almost totally absent from the campaign trail, wait until hundreds of thousands of people have already voted before releasing their costed platform which shows they have the highest deficit among the 3 major parties.

    This shit’s bad for democracy, and honestly I’m not sure why we stand for it. There needs to be a law that a fully costed platform be made public x amount of days after the writ drops, or your candidates won’t be on the ballot. People have the right to know what they’re voting for.

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