‘Did Facebook delete our pub because of its name?’

Source: Tartan_Samurai


  1. duncanmarshall on

    >”There are other **Black Bull** pubs that have had their Facebook page pulled. I’m assuming it’s something to do with copyright.”

    Yeah, *maybe* copyright. *Maybe*. Or, you know…

  2. I mean…if another pub owner just maliciously reported the page, because they wanted their customers?
    Would it just get auto taken down or is their a human checking system?

  3. While obviously Facebook/Meta are not the good guys in almost any scenario, this should be a lesson for businesses not to rely on it as their only web presence and to maintain their own website and booking system. As someone without a facebook account, nothing turns me off ~~of~~ going somewhere like trying to find their website and being taken to a facebook page I can’t use.

  4. Charles-Petrescu on

    It’s free mate.

    They could delete your page with literally zero rational reason, and you would have no comeback.

  5. Longjumping_Stand889 on

    Many businesses live or die by their social media output, you can’t really tell them not to use facebook or whatever because there aren’t any alternatives. Then when they delete you due to some corporate whim you find they are impossible to contact.

  6. Alaskan_Pipeline666 on

    At a bare minimum for having an online presence for bookings, use something like GoDaddy. I’m looking into this now for my wife’s childminding business and I’m looking at an annual cost of approx £250 for something that meets her needs.

    Don’t rely on the likes of Facebook as there is no recourse for when things go wrong like this.

  7. When are people going to accept that Facebook is a privately owned business can implement whatever rules they like, when they like and then choose to arbitrarily enforce those rules.

    If you’re going to rely on Facebook for your business then you have to accept that at any point they can just arbitrarily delete your business for whatever reason they like.

    If you can’t or refuse to accept this, then don’t use Facebook.

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