Buying into trouble: PM’s political judgment on a cliff edge

Source: Late-Ad5827


  1. This will change nothing. He’s a known landlord, people who are ok with that will be ok with this.

  2. “Most prominent Australian buys home above median price”

    The hatchet jobs are getting pretty desperate.

  3. As usual, Albo’s timing is impeccable.

    But why would he do this so close to the election in the middle of a housing crisis?

    He will always be able to purchase expensive NSW Central Coast housing. Maybe he is a bit insecure?

  4. Left voters wanting everyone to be as poor as them no matter their job. Having a 4m house with his job at his age is not surprising at all.

  5. jackstraya_cnt on

    the ironic thing about the people defending Albo with “tall poppy syndrome, it’s good to see someone move up in the world” is how much it reinforces property investment as the best way to get rich in the country more than anything else

    like, you’re all cheering him for benefitting from the system you also claim to hate just because he leads the party you prefer, it’s hilarious

    and then throw in a few whataboutisms with Dutton’s name in them as if it makes any difference

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