Trump Abruptly Cancels Another Mainstream TV Interview

Source: RoachedCoach


  1. He has to stay out of mainstream view. The more normal people see him the lower his numbers go. When he only does appearances for his base they go up or stabilize. If swing voters don’t see him often they forget how extreme and nuts he is. They normalize him like a baby lacking object permanence.

  2. Sagittarius-A_Star on

    I just perused the conservative subreddit and there was almost no mention of Trump anywhere. I guess even they’re fed up with his bullshit.

  3. Harris is going to Fox, but I guess Trump can’t keep up. Sad, low energy. Many such cases!

  4. He canceled the interview to have more time to tweet about how Kamala Harris is hiding from taking unscripted questions from the media.

  5. revmaynard1970 on

    if dude dies before the election im going to laugh my ass off. the gop would be completely fucked

  6. Where’s his medical report he said he would gladly release? A man who loves nothing but attention canceling interviews? 🤔

  7. FlowerFancyFay on

    Trump must think interviews are like bad dates-better to ghost than deal with the awkwardness Lol

  8. PlentyMacaroon8903 on

    This is giving me beginning of the end vibes.

    He’s not doing anything without a handler very close to him. His brain is gone. He clearly can’t campaign like he needs to be. This just needs to reach 2% of the right people and this is done.

  9. Fusion_allthebonds on

    Is he ok?
    I think we all need to reach out to our dear brother, Donald, and get him the help he needs: a rest home and daily pudding.

  10. Something happened at his town hall. Stopping questions so he could dance for 40 minutes is weird.

  11. gentleman_bronco on

    Does anyone else remember maga screaming about the health of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden as primary talking points?

    Meanwhile, diaper don keeps having these weird strokes and dementia episodes on stage and they keep calling him an alpha. It’s genuinely pathetic.

    Early voting starts in Georgia today.

  12. triffie_avocados on

    Remember when Trump was crowing about how Biden was too old and confused to be president? More projection, it turns out.

  13. beithy_blueberry on

    « They also insisted on doing live fact checking, which is unprecedented. »

    That’s just called an “interview.”

  14. RubiksSugarCube on

    Bloomberg has been hyping their interview with him all morning so lets see if the fucking moron has the cajones and/or mental capacity to follow through with that one

  15. teesha_coconut on

    Dude fell asleep repeatedly in his felony trial where he was found guilty. How the actual fuck is his name still appearing in the news?!

  16. polly_jackfruit on

    The TBIs as “headaches” should be the focus of every news cycle. That’s just gross

  17. or10n_sharkfin on

    I want to imagine that he’s seeing the writing on the walls, but there’s no way this man is self-aware enough to even know what room he’s in.

  18. BigDaddyCoolDeisel on

    Something is clearly wrong.

    The show was CNBC Squawk Box. That should be a layup interview.

  19. Trump is too weak, scared, and low energy to do anything that isn’t entirely set up for him to spew verbal diarrhea at the slugs for salt voters.

  20. I’m sure this was his handlers doing. His recent interviews about his economic plans have been absolute disasters. They can’t afford undecided voters seeing more of that.

  21. Harris going on Fox News, Trump cancelling interviews, but both parties are the same /s.

  22. I’m very curious to see what happens when his mental decline can’t be covered for. Because we’re approaching that moment faster than I think people realize, and it is going to be a weird thing to watch. MAGAts have a very specific image of Donald Trump in their minds. He will either die, or hit a breaking point that can’t be covered up, and it will genuinely shatter the reality of millions of Americans who truly view him as a demigod.

  23. Previous_Chard234 on

    Ugh can they just stuff him into a fake Oval Office with papers to sign and occasionally pay a few people to come cheer for him at a fake press conference? How do people seriously think he’s fit to lead???

  24. Where are the conservatives AND undecided who were calling Harris too chicken to do interviews?

    Harris is literally going into the lion’s den of Faux News to do their interview now. Meanwhile this guy chickens out again. Still undecided?

  25. We really need Lincoln project to start making some ads in his mar a lago zip code talking directly to trump about how Vance will invoke the 25th as soon as trump takes office. Mess w his paranoia a little.

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