High Job Growth for Foreign-Born vs. Low Growth for Native-Born in the U.S.

Source: EconomySoltani


  1. There was a class action against some silicon valley bank I want to say about hiring exclusively Indian individuals on H1B status. How much of this chart is US companies hiring abroad to employ cheap labor?

  2. SanFrancrisco2 on

    The Biden job growth record is terrible, the majority are crap jobs that pay crap wages and uneducated non-citizens took them away from lower and lower-middle class Americans.

  3. I don’t know how this is surprising. People willing to move their lives across the world are go getters. We’re not getting the lazy people immigrating for the most part.

    I am sure if you looked at immigrants vs. American citizens who have moved more than 500 miles for work, those citizens would be what and what or higher than the immigrants.

  4. 2 main reasons:

    1. High cost of education in USA. Education everywhere else is significantly cheaper.

    2. Visa restrictions and the cost to move only allow only the already rich or cream of the crop in any low income country to immigrate (unless they are refugees) to USA.

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