‘Hitting us with sticks’: Gazan says Hamas beats civilians attempting to evacuate

Source: StealthCuttlefish


  1. Related I just read this article penned by an anonymous writer living in North Gaza, which is worth a read as we never hear voices from actual Gazans. He explains why in the piece.

    Some quotes in no particular order, but the entire thing is worth reading for more.

    Israel is killing us. But Hamas is exploiting our deaths https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-10-14/ty-article-opinion/.premium/israel-is-killing-us-but-hamas-is-exploiting-our-deaths/00000192-8a26-d569-a3be-deafecdf0000?utm_source=App_Share&utm_medium=iOS_Native

    “Hamas is exploiting the utter chaos prevailing in Gaza right now. Residents are offered neither solutions nor hope, and, consequently, are forced to yield to Hamas in order to survive.”

    “Hamas claims to be the representative of the Palestinian people, presenting the October 7 terror attack and the ensuing war as benefiting the nation. But Hamas does not represent us, and since 2010 its rule is illegitimate. It sees our blood as fuel for its political ambitions and as a means of imposing its rule over all Palestinian territories. Its insistence on clinging to power in Gaza is causing the deaths of an enormous number of Palestinians.”

    “We, the residents of Gaza, understand the suffering of the Israeli hostages better than anyone else in the world. They, like us, have been deprived of the most basic of rights: to decide our fates. They are being held captive underground while we are hostages above ground, in the big prison of Gaza.”

    “Hamas will not surrender and will continue to sacrifice Gazans to their last drop of blood. Israel too will not stop its war as long as Hamas is in power. This means endless war. A political solution is required, with the establishment of a body that manages affairs in the Gaza Strip on the day after.”

    “I wish for the release of the Israeli hostages to the same extent that I wish for my own liberation. I call on the world to relate to us just as it relates to them, as hostages, and save us from both the brutality of the Israeli occupation and from our Hamas kidnappers. This will only happen by exerting great pressure on our kidnappers and on Israel’s government so that they stop colluding against Gaza, and finally let us decide our own fate.”

    “There is no atonement for the evil of a reality in which our kidnappers live comfortably in their palaces in Doha while we live in tents. If our kidnappers lived in tents, the war would have long been over. They don’t value our lives, as stated by senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad: “Even if Israel kills 100,000 of us, we won’t stop; that’s our winning card.” For them, we are bargaining chips. Israel kills us and they exploit our deaths in order to gain points and influence international opinion.”

  2. According to reddit Gazans are 100% ok with Hamas in their majority. Of course the average Reddit can only see in black and white, like dogs.

  3. Terrorists just cannot stop doing terrorists stuff. Figures. Too chicken to go without your human shields, uh?

  4. For the Palestinian civilian population, this is just an exercise in Jihad. You don’t need to pick up a weapon or behead someone. Just existing, participating and suffering in the struggle against the Israelis is Jihad for them. And this writer is correct. They, Hamas – the power that is, don’t give a damn because they’re all supposed to martyr for the cause. They’ve been conned that this is greater than going to Mecca, or anything else, in their worthless lives created by their government. Meanwhile, these assholes in Doha get rich and these other assholes in bunkers praying, eating and fucking think they can just wait it out and hope that the rest of the world takes pity on the population they’ve conned. If Gazans aren’t willing to stand up against Hamas, then they’ve already made their beds. It’s literally almost fucking crickets when it comes to hearing voices for peaceful Palestinian opposition that doesn’t want to destroy Israel either.

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