Why is tipping for small things like coffee becoming more of a thing?

Source: lexdizzle12


  1. Don’t get me wrong, happy to tip where appropriate but I find it so awkward when asked to do so for something small like a coffee?

  2. KillsWithDucks on

    just dont tip.. and if enough of us dont they will get rid of the option.
    if you’re gonna tip, use cash.

  3. > Historically, Aussies might have chucked a 10 per cent tip for a big lunch or dinner and called it a day.

    Ahh, fuckin what? Historically I’ve never ever tipped in Australia. Fuck outta here.

  4. fookenoathagain on

    Tipping is a requirement in USA as they do not pay the staff enough to survive on. Tipping makes up part of the wage.
    So it is basically screwing over your workers and getting other people to make up the difference with some bullshit excuse – if you are nice and good at your job you will get tips.

  5. God I hate it when people editorialise the headlines of articles in their title.

    Actual title of the article:

    >Young Aussie’s major tipping gripe after being hit with fee for the ‘bare minimum’: ‘Absolutely not’

    Tipping for small things isn’t becoming more of a thing. It’s businesses trying to make tipping culture a thing just so they can extract some free money from us.

    Fuck that noise and don’t even try to make tipping a thing when it just isn’t.

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