Muslims in two Indian states face discrimination after restaurants forced to display workers’ names

Source: DegnarOskold


  1. With how much hate exists in India with minorities who are INDIAN CITIZENS, it’s funny to see them try to position themselves as a neutral party to mediate world politics. Fix your own problems first.

  2. Lol, another propaganda piece. Everyone has to display their name irrespective of their religion – a rule made during the Congress govt.
    But now congress & people from one particular community playing victim card just because BJP ask them to follow the law.

  3. Lately, religion is more of divisive element that sow discrimination, hatred, pain and even death to the world.

    All religion believe in god. It is the interpretation that is different but religious extremists cannot tolerate anyone “deviating” from their interpretation of god.

  4. Kamakaziturtle on

    I’m guessing that’s the intention of such a law, considering there’s no other reason one would need to know the workers names. saying it’s for health and safety is laughable

  5. houseofprimetofu on


    Business owners in Uttar Pradesh said they had fired Muslim staff as a result of the new laws, fearing they would become a target. Other Muslim-run businesses said they had already been harassed as a result of the policy, with some considering closure.

    Rafiq, 45, the Muslim owner of a highway restaurant in the Uttar Pradesh city of Muzaffarnagar, said he had fired his four Muslim employees in July after police demanded he put the names of all workers on a sign outside.

    “I had to fire my Muslim staff because I was concerned for their safety following the order,” he said. “Displaying names makes us vulnerable and a very easy target. If, for instance, there is communal tension that keeps taking place, we will be easily identified as Muslims and targeted.”

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