Trump’s New Post on Obama Proves He’s Losing It

Source: baquir


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  2. He’s getting increasingly desperate. He’s dude if you ignore him dunking on you throughout his speech, he was definitely endorsing you.

  3. armchairmegalomaniac on

    Proves to who? The problem is all the people who this proves anything to are already on board with being against Trump. The 46% of the population that supports him is unmovable.

  4. Obama, much, much easier to say than Kiimuulaka is, such a pretty name Obama, both of them are very nice people, the best people, I met them after the election and both of them had tears in their eyes when they said I, Donald J Trump, was going to be the president. So many tears. But I’m so glad to get their endorsement of them and all the black men, so many black men, who are having their black jobs stolen, the best jobs, they will vote for me and not for Kimulanintia.

    /s for the people in the back.

  5. aslan_is_on_the_move on

    The last 4-8 years prove that he’s losing it, but the media decided to go with the right wing lies and attack Biden’s fitness for office while ignoring Trump until Biden dropped out

  6. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    Trump: “Obama owes me that vote! After all, I was the one who cleared up his Birth Certificate mess.”

  7. Losing what? He is pretty close to winning it, proving that a sizable part of this electorate is totally fine with soft fascism, Hungary style. I am very concerned

  8. Understand that a vote for Trump will make Vance President when Trump is out for medical/mental reasons. Maybe as soon as late 2025.

  9. Saved you a click:

    “Obama admits a total lack of enthusiasm for Kamala, especially with Black Men,” Trump wrote. “I think Obama will be voting for me because he doesn’t like the fact that Kamala is an extremely Low IQ Person!”

  10. Unlucky-Locksmith-40 on

    That’s what got trump elected, the hate others still feel about having a wonderful intellectual, great 8 year presidency, from a black man, who pulled American people together. Voting Blue down the ballot 💙🗳️

  11. capture-enigma on

    Losing it? This freak lost it years ago. He’s descending into subterranean levels of insanity now

  12. RamonaQ-JunieB on

    Trump is a lunatic and anyone who believes otherwise should have their own head examined by a psychiatrist.

  13. Lifting_Pinguin on

    Well that is a dumb damn claim, seriously, it’s not gonna convince anyone to vote for him that wasn’t already doing it. But it might make some of his base stay home just because they are dumb enough to believe him and pick the stance that anything Obama endorses they are against.

  14. Those_Silly_Ducks on

    What is the post without visiting the link? Reddit fucking letting everyone down again.

  15. Blackboard_Monitor on

    Proves what? That he’s never going to act Presidential? Who the fuck didn’t know he’s losing it?

  16. How competent he would be as a president is irrelevant. All that matters is how competent he is at *becoming* president. And we need to be better at making sure he fails at that.

  17. Prestigious-Copy-494 on

    Obama made a funny offhand remark talking about the first time he went to buy diapers for his infant daughter. Mentioned the price was shocking.. wondered if Trump had ever changed a diaper.. omg for funny we all got the rift of THAT. then the funny time he was talking about Trump’s exaggeration of crowd sizes and Obama was gesturing with his hands bringing them in closer to each other and we all knew he was talking about Mario cart. He’s so cool and clever.

  18. Tim Walz needed to trigger trump worse during the VP debate. Tim should have stated that ol’ J.D was smarter, better educated, spoke more intelligently and was taller than what Kamala had to debate. So this debate wasn’t fair that she got to debate the guy Kim Jung Un called a dotard and he got J.D. who is even better looking that his “boss”.

    THAT would have been spectacular.

  19. losing it? been gone for quite some time. I’m exhausted. we need to do something about this endless campaign cycle. the campaign season doesn’t need to be longer than like 3 months (including primaries.)

  20. Fickle-Molasses-903 on

    >Trump is going off the rails.

    Media: ‘Why isn’t Kamala resonating with the public?’

  21. BusinessAd5844 on

    Trump is STILL having meltdowns about someone who hasn’t been a president in 8 years.

  22. Sadly, we don’t need proof. We’ve had proof for years. We need people who see that proof to care and believe it matters.

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