338Canada | Abacus Data federal poll, October 2024 [Conservative 43%, Liberal 22%, NDP 19%, Bloc Quebecois 8% (36% QC), Green 4%, PPC 2%]

Source: tspshocker

1 Comment

  1. Conservatives lead in all regions except Quebec (where they are tied with the Liberals at 24% each).

    Conservatives lead across all age groups and both male/female.

    Abacus also oversampled Ontario in this poll (and normalized thereafter to appropriate national ratio) to produce regional polling results:

    City of Toronto (416): Conservative 47%, Liberal 26%, NDP 18%, Green 6%, PPC 2%
    GTHA (905): Conservative 52%, Liberal 23%, NDP 17%, PPC 4%, Green 3%
    Southwestern Ontario: Conservative 42%, Liberal 24%, NDP 23%, PPC 6%, Green 4%
    Eastern Ontario: Conservative 48%, Liberal 25%, NDP 20%, Green 4%, PPC 3%

    Also interesting was responses to how people felt about Poilievre after seeing the new Conservative Party “Mountain” ad – 52% said the ad made them feel more positive about Pierre Poilievre while 14% said it made them feel less positive for a **net impact of +38**. (34% said it had no impact).

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