Hezbollah running out of money amid Israeli bombardment

Source: Conamin


  1. Hezbollah may have not recieved a copy of ‘The Terrorist’s Guide to Securing Funds’, originally compiled by Hamas.

    I’ll sum it up for them because I’m such a kind soul:

    1. Attack Israeli civilians with thousands of rockets.

    2. Plan and/or carry out an invasion of Israeli towns, which includes but is not limited to murder, rape, torture and kidnapping.

    3. Hide in tunnels, shoot rockets from schools and steal humanitarian aid.

    4. Cry that Israel are monsters who have invaded your land because they are so evil and they attack schools containing only children, and IDF murders poor, innocent teachers who only happened to be holding that RPG launcher for a friend while he used the bathroom.

    5. Recieve donations from the useful idiots of the West who think you actually care about your own people and will use the money to help them.

    6. Buy more rockets!!! Kill more Jews!!!!!   

    7. Tell the world Israel is so mean because they refuse a cease-fire.

  2. Excellent. Iran and all of its proxies and allies deserve to be bankrupted. One of the best ways we can do that is by reducing our consumption of oil and gas, which fund Iran and Russia and their proxies. Get an electric car. Change your stove and your HVAC system to electric instead of gas. Even if your oil and gas doesn’t come directly from those countries, lowering the overall demand will reduce the prices, which will hurt those regimes.

  3. Haunting_Birthday135 on

    > Hezbollah founded AQAH in 1982 as a charitable institution providing interest-free loans to needy Lebanese, primarily fellow Shiites

    Sounds identical to Hamas’ Dawah system. These two share many things in common, including a sponsor.

  4. They should show Iran a plan to attack Israel with horse drawn carriages, this should get them some funds.

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