Labour’s poll lead ends after 934 days

Source: 1DarkStarryNight


  1. 1DarkStarryNight on

    Voting Intention:

    🌹 LAB 27% (-2)

    🌳 CON 27% (+1)

    ➡️ REF UK 21% (+2)

    🔶 LIB DEM 13% (+2)

    🌍 GRN 7% (-)

    “Keir Starmer’s net approval rating has fallen a further 5 points. His net approval now sits at -38, below Rishi Sunak and down 49 points from his post election high”

    “Asked to grade the Government across a series of areas the public give the Government an average grade of D-. Those who voted Labour are more generous giving a C+.”

    “30% think it would have been better if the Conservatives had won the election. 24% think worse and 25% think it would have made no difference either better or worse.”

  2. Who would have guessed that more austerity and continued managed decline might be unpopular? It wouldn’t be so bad if they hadn’t spent the last 15 years admonishing Tories for this and promising ‘change’. Only to get into office and get straight to work on maintaining the status quo, while enjoying the unprecedented number of freebies you get for being the bossman.

  3. I get not being enthusiastic about this government but who on Earth is still voting Tory lmao, they have done the country over in entire new ways, they should cease to exist as a political force

  4. The Tories handed Labour a poisoned chalice and knew what they were doing in the run-up to the election. Labour are also at fault, however they have been handed a country deep in a hole and they have to be the ones to sort it out. They were never going to be popular.

  5. SlightWerewolf4428 on

    Either way, there’s at least 4( less than 5) more years of this government as they have been given a mandate.

    Polls will go up and down.

    What I do hope is that this government will see the shift in the electorate and adopt sensible policies before then, like the left wing in the Northern European countries has done.

  6. This so far is looking to be a race to the lowest voter turnout. Is there a minimum % of the populace that has to vote for an election to be valid?

  7. thebeesknees270 on

    Lower legal migration levels by focusing on bringing in the best and the brightest and properly crack down on illegal migration (even if that means getting tough and nasty) and nearly all of the Reform vote is up for grabs, yet it’s not of any interest to either the Tories or Labour.

  8. So after watching the 2 main parties potentially screw up the last 20years by the next election.

    Who is next? Who do we turn to, to fix whatever mess will be left.

  9. Not that surprising, the ones in power will always be judged the hardest. Very easy to sit at the sides and scrutinise, with no pressure to come up with an actually viable alternative.

  10. No_Breadfruit_4901 on

    Luckily for Labour, next election is not until 5 years and they have all the time in the world to gain momentum again

  11. It’s one single poll.

    Labour’s start has been very poor from a PR perspective but they’d still easily win a GE against the Tories right now.

  12. Critical-Usual on

    Completely surreal. I know the Tories would regain popularity after a number of years thanks to the electorate short memory. But after 100 days of basically nothing?

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