Calling a man ‘bald’ is sexual harassment, High Court rules

Source: insomnimax_99


  1. There’s got to me more to it than that…

    > The High Court has ruled calling a man “bald” can be considered sexual harassment.

    Ok so the word “can” appears to be quite crucial here yet is missed from the headline.

    > A judge has said using the word about a man could breach equality laws because it is “inherently related to gender”.

    I mean men may be more likely to go natural bald than women but women can be bald too so this is just odd.

    > Mr Finn, 64, made the claim against the British Bung Company, where he worked as an electrician for 24 years before he was fired in 2021.

    > He said he was a victim of sexual harassment after comments were made about his baldness, including being called a “stupid bald c***” by his supervisor during an argument.

    > His supervisor, Jamie King, also threatened to “deck” him, Mr Finn recalled, saying the encounter left him “fearful for my personal safety”.

    > The landmark employment tribunal ruling was made by a panel of three bald men, according to The Telegraph.

    > The three-person panel said the remark “crossed a line” and dismissed an argument that the comment was not sexist because women can be bald too.

    > The judgement said there was “a connection between the word ‘bald’” and “the protected characteristic of sex”, noting that it is “much more prevalent in men than women”.

    > The panel, led by Judge Jonathan Brain, added: “We find it inherently related to sex.”

    Right so I wonder how many people are going to read “sexual harassment” and think “harassment that is sexual in nature” rather than that it is harassment and it is being targeted at a person using language that it more related to one sex than the other. Although I would question this judgement given the person also called them a cunt, which is inherently a term for women’s privates…

  2. About time us baldies start getting some protection. We make look like Phil Mitchell but have gentle souls .

  3. So saying “nice ass sweetcheeks” wouldn’t be sexual harassment because all people have a backside?

    While I dunno if being call bald is SEXUAL harassment, if everything else is not OK these days then being called a bald cunt must not be OK either. Making someone feel bad about their physical appearance that they can’t change. Cunt move.

  4. Can the men stop being teenage girls please?
    Either be graceful and pick a cut that suits how you lose your hair, or buy some hair.

    One of the things thats turning this modern world to shit is all the victimhood. Its bad enough we have to deal with the assholes in charge – who are definitely getting worse – but now we have to deal with each other acting like spoiled brats and crying foul at being called what we are?

    Maybe you all need better friends who are willing to make you accept things you dont like about yourself.

    Take some responsibility for not being able to accept or acknowledge what you dont like about yourself.

  5. EdmundTheInsulter on

    I’m sure the judge meant it is sex discriminatory, such as calling a woman a stupid old tart could be, but in this case he called him a stupid bald c*** , so it could imply that an older balding man had become useless perhaps. But I don’t see that it is sexual. It’s likely crap reporting

  6. Mean-Concentrate778 on

    I think we can all agree calling someone a “stupid bald c*nt” in the workplace should be restricted by law. The question is what kind of category it falls under. The scientific literature is clear that balding is much more prevalent in men than women, so it’s not a huge leap to say the insult is sex based. The article is clickbaiting by saying it’s ‘sexual harassment’ as if it’s similar to being groped or something. The phrase is not used even once in the judgment. ‘Sex based harassment’ is more accurate.

  7. parkway_parkway on

    haha the defendent really got an unlucky draw.

    >The landmark employment tribunal ruling was made by a panel of three bald men, according to The Telegraph.

  8. There is an OCEAN of difference between one man calling another man bald, and a man making comments about a woman’s breasts. I think it’s really stupid to call this sexual harassment.

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