Vance suggests the left stole 2020 … by doing what his own campaign did

Source: Rock-n-roll-Kevin


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  2. He confirmed that he would have refused to certify the 2020 election.

    He’s unfit for the office.

  3. Rock-n-roll-Kevin on

    Vance claims that if Twitter had not briefly limited the sharing of Hunter Biden’s dick pics then voters would have elected Trump in 2020.

    What’s worse is Vance says based on a poll conducted on behalf of the right-wing Media Research Center **in 2023** would lead him to not certify the **2020 election**.

  4. effectively_knot_tim on

    Vance has zero morals, like Trump, but he is smarter and has self control.

    He terrifies me.

  5. BebeTheGoddess on

    Vance is just dodging the real issue; blaming tech companies for Trump’s loss misses the point that his presidency was the bigger problem. It’s ironic he’s calling out censorship when his own campaign did it too.

  6. WalksOfLifeMany on

    Trump used campaign funds to censor the story of his affair.  These people have no values, no shame, no plans.  They only know hatred and only value power.

  7. meanwhile they have the current owner of Twitter doing everything possible to get Trump elected, by his own asinine logic this election should definitely be voided because of it.

    Shameless gutless cowards

  8. TheLeaderOfTheUSA on

    Get these Russian traitors OUT OF HERE. Vance, Trump, Rhonda, Johnson, etc.. all Russian assets here to destroy us from the inside. They need to gtfo.

  9. It’s really funny when he says the Federal Government was in on Social Media censoring the Hunter Biden Story in a way that impacted the 2020 Outcome….. ya know, Trump’s Federal Government.

  10. I feel like this whole election theft thing shows a trend in how the GOP argues.

    They start with the overarching lie “the election was stolen”, then they try lots of different sub arguments until they see one that sticks.

    First it was late night Democratic vote stuffing, then it was accusations of fraudulent vote by mail, then it was Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines rigging it, then it was that the expansion of vote by mail for COVID was illegal, now they are arguing that not airing stories about Hunter Bidens laptop was illegal election interference.

    They have just been throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks with their supporters.

  11. atomic-space-ghost on

    these people never shut the fuck up. they’re like that obnoxious brother who taunts others then cries hard when he gets taste of his own medicine.

  12. Trump lost because he sucks. That is all. Stop trying to spin the truth MAGA. Truth over lies.

  13. Even_Establishment95 on

    Trump literally just said AGAIN that he knew he lost since day one. He lied. It’s a lie. Everyone knows. Now stop.

  14. RepulsiveRooster1153 on

    the medical profession has come quite a ways since vance avoided getting swallowed by his mom. however i don’t believe they have come up with a diagnosis of spouting feces from your mouth instead of anus. so he’s apprehensive people will be concerned

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