Harris vs. Trump analyst tells panicky Dems: GOP is creating fake polls | ‘Desperate, unhinged, Trumpian’

Source: Silly-avocatoe


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  2. Silly-avocatoe on

    From the rticle: 

    As polls seem to indicate that former president Donald Trump has momentum in some swing states with 24 days remaining until the Nov. 5 presidential election, Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg says: Don’t buy it.

    About a month ago, Rosenberg predicted that a slew of polls by Republican organizations would flood the zone, showing Trump leading — and, like clockwork, it has happened.

    The purpose is two-fold, Rosenberg said: To excite Trump’s base and discourage Vice President Kamala Harris’ supporters, while also providing Trump with ammunition to say the election was rigged if he loses.

    In a tweet thread, Rosenberg explained:

    “Of last 15 general election polls released in PA, 12 have right/GOP affiliations. Their campaign to game the polling averages and make it appear like Trump is winning — when he isn’t — escalated in last few days.

    “I urge journalists and researchers to dive into FiveThirtyEight and see how the red wave pollsters have flooded the zone again. MT, PA, NC were initial targets but now it’s all 7 battleground states.

    “This 2024 red wave op is much larger and involves many more actors and polls than the red wave campaign in 2022. It also involves new players — Polymarket, Elon — and feels far more desperate, frenetic, unhinged. Trumpian.”

    Walz stumps in Michigan

    The purpose is two-fold, Rosenberg said: To excite Trump’s base and discourage Vice President Kamala Harris’ supporters, while also providing Trump with ammunition to say the election was rigged if he loses.

    In a tweet thread, Rosenberg explained:

    “Of last 15 general election polls released in PA, 12 have right/GOP affiliations. Their campaign to game the polling averages and make it appear like Trump is winning — when he isn’t — escalated in last few days.

    “I urge journalists and researchers to dive into FiveThirtyEight and see how the red wave pollsters have flooded the zone again. MT, PA, NC were initial targets but now it’s all 7 battleground states.

    “This 2024 red wave op is much larger and involves many more actors and polls than the red wave campaign in 2022. It also involves new players — Polymarket, Elon — and feels far more desperate, frenetic, unhinged. Trumpian.”

    Rosenberg pointed to a New York Times autopsy on the 2022 midterm elections: “The ‘Red Wave’ Washout: How Skewed Polls Fed a False Election Narrative.”

    Rosenberg also referred to a recent New York Times report — “Elon Musk is going all-in to elect Trump” — that shows coordination between Twitter/X owner Elon Musk and the Trump campaign.

    Musk shut down a Twitter/X account that published hacked materials from the Trump campaign. And according to the New York Times, Musk and his team have set up a war room in Pittsburgh to strategize with a team of lawyers and public-relations professionals to help Trump win.

    On Thursday, American Muckrakers posted about emails it received detailing how the conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports, which claims to be nonpartisan, shared polling results with Trump advisers and campaign officials like Dan Scavino, Susie Wiles, and John McLaughlin.

    “More than 25 organizations are now involved in red wave 2024,” Rosenberg tweeted. “Last week, they dropped 27 polls. This week it’s more. Ferocity of effort to make it look like Trump is winning clearly means they don’t think he is.”

  3. Do average people look at polls and say, “Oh no! Trump is ahead by 3 points! I’m not going to vote!” 

    Anyway, who cares; go out and vote no matter where you live.

  4. armageddon_20xx on

    Jokes on them – they’re only energizing the dem base even more. We’re not going back.

  5. marcopaulodirect on

    From the earlier article linked in this one:

    > Why does he care? For two reasons, Rosenberg told the Meidas Touch Podcast.

    > “The reason it matters is a couple things,” he said. “One, is it demobilizes [voters]. When we think we’re losing, we demobilize, our voters disengage. Money dries up, right? The same is true for them, if they think they’re losing. So they want to give Donald Trump and Republican voters a belief the election is better than it really is.

    > “The second thing, though that’s important, is that it is vital to Trump’s effort: If he tries to cheat and overturn the election results, he needs to have data showing that somehow he was winning the election. … Donald Trump needs to go into Election Day with some set of data showing him winning, so if he loses, he can say we cheated.”

  6. KwisatzHaderachPaul on

    I think he’s right. Harris leads in every other tangible way. Shes got more money, more enthusiasm, and prominent republicans supporting her. There’s no reason to believe Trump expanded his base from 2020. These polls all seem like pretext for a coup attempt.

  7. I’ve been confused by the sudden and huge shift we’ve seen in not just Trump’s polling but several of the Senate races as well, so this makes sense.

  8. Slow_Investment_2211 on

    And yet so many fretting Dems on Reddit telling me I’m crazy for not believing these polls showing a tightening race. This is a game the media and the GOP are playing. Even the Dems play games. They’ll hold fundraisers and tell their supporters they’re behind just to get more funding out of fear. It’s all bullshit. I think Harris has got this.

  9. And we see so many of them reported here on this sub. They keep trying. It makes me smile when those posts get downvoted and called out for what they are. GOP propaganda 

  10. RaviTooHotToHandel on

    How does this help the GOP in actual results, it can help to avoid accepting reality for weak minds.

    Only potential benefit is they want to do something like Jan 6 again, this will help build momentum for that attack on democracy.

  11. Most-Artichoke6184 on

    Panicky Democrats are almost as annoying as Republicans. Calm the fuck down, people.

  12. The GOP has given up on democracy all together so they will do whatever it takes to “win” the election.

  13. PvtSherlockObvious on

    Keeping the Dems nervous is a good thing. I want us to get our asses out there voting and campaigning, not resting on our laurels and assuming we’ve got everything in hand.

  14. Its fine. Keep it up. Just motivates us to vote like in 2020. We didn’t think Trump had a chance in 2016 and now we know not to underestimate him.

  15. BotlikeBehaviour on

    The weekly Morning Consult poll is the only one I really pay attention to because it’s something like 11k respondants.

    When that one starts to show Harris +2 or +3 instead of +6 then I’ll be worried.

  16. NoImprovement9982 on

    I got criticized a few days ago for posting “Ignore the polls. Just VOTE!” In light of this article, I’m doubling down on that comment.

  17. Competitive_Heat6805 on

    Trump will lose the popular vote again for the third straight time, that much is guaranteed. The electoral college is another story…

  18. KarAccidentTowns on

    Dems just need the educated suburban voters and Trump is fucked, just like in 2020. Shit like this needs to be shared with educated suburban people.

  19. hm_rickross_ymoh on

    And he recently put out an ad campaign that I somehow can’t avoid on YouTube in which one of the first lines is “we’re leading in the polls” (and then he begs for money of course). 

    Feels coordinated now that I’m seeing this article. 

  20. The P in GOP is projection.

    There’s a reason Trump shits poll number out of his asshole mouth constantly, they intend to use the rigged polls as “evidence” that they should have won.

    Get ready for legal and political chaos folks, this is Coup 2: Moronic Boogaloo.

  21. Operation-FuturePuss on

    I went to early vote on the first day in Ohio. Kamala is going to win bigly. My Fox News watching parents always vote R. This year my mom is voting for Kamala. Polls don’t mean anything. The pollsters still haven’t figured out how to get an accurate sample of people to engage.

  22. flowersandfists on

    The next democratic nominee for president should say they won’t take office unless they win the popular vote and that the electoral college should be eliminated. It wouldn’t immediately change anything but it would start a serious public discussion on the issue.

  23. My guess is this is trying to spark momentum by suggesting that people are rejecting Harris or that her message is falling flat.

    Also has the side benefit of making it easier to deny the results

  24. Bro this will be my 6th time voting in a presidential election and my 3rd time voting against trump. And I’m conservative. So is my whole family, all voting because we don’t want trump in charge.

  25. Quantitative_Panda on

    Trumpian. It’s like dystopian, but with way more unhinged idiocy. Tastes like soot and poo

  26. Separate-Feedback-86 on

    This article IS NOT WRONG. Look at recent 538 polls: Sponsor – “Donald Trump”! He will lie, cheat and steal to win.

  27. This is true. Look at Five Thirty Eight, Trump funded 5 polls recently in the 5 battleground states and guess what, they all show him ahead by a few points. If I had to guess, they just polled voters in high republican areas to purposefully skew the results.

    If I had to guess this is to build the framework around evidence of voter fraud so they can throw this poll in their supporters’ faces when they lose, to further mobilize them for their next coup attempt.

    Five Thirty Eight

    Twitter post, claiming no connection to the providing pollster

    Pollster website

  28. Fellow dems, I urge you not to be falsely confident. Vote , asks friend to vote. And be emotionally prepared for the worst.

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