Trump, after mocking Harris over teleprompter use, stops rally to remove sign that fell on his

Source: PrintOk8045


  1. brain_overclocked on

    >After mocking Vice President Kamala Harris over her teleprompter use, Donald Trump’s rally in Reno, Nevada, ground to a halt as he was was forced to fix his on-stage after a campaign sign fell on it.

    >“Thank god I don’t use teleprompters too much,” Trump told rallygoers after the sign fell on the teleprompter, causing the script to stop being projected. “I look at the teleprompter, it’s totally gone. I say ‘What the hell happened.’ The sign fell on top of it.”

    >He went on to, again, falsely accuse Harris of using one during her town hall with Univision on Thursday.

    >Both the Harris campaign and Univision have confirmed to CNN that the vice president did not use a teleprompter during her town hall. A teleprompter that was seen in a photo from the event was in Spanish and meant for the moderator, not Harris.

    [Fact check: Univision debunks false right-wing claim that Harris used a teleprompter at town hall](

  2. This made me laugh. I wonder what his MAGA horde thought of this latest hypocrisy? Oh wait! I forgot. They don’t think at all. They are like the NPCs from The Last of US

  3. Trump then went on to insult Harris for being obese, having a spouse that hated her, and wearing adult diapers.

  4. Ok_Mortgage6020 on

    At a rally in Reno Trump found himself in a bit of a pckle when a sign fell on his teleprompter right after he mocked Kamala Harris for using one. He claimed he doesnt need a teleprompter but there he was, fixing his setup mid-speech. Its a classic case of irony in politics, where he often criticizes Harris for relying on a teleprompter despite similar situations happning to him. This kindd of backandforth is typical in political rallies where the bravdo can quickly turn into a comedic moment

  5. then he goes on to complain that she doesn’t host rallies that drone on for* HOURS screaming the same talking points he’s been screaming his dumb little head about.

    I like a president who can actually get to the point and doesn’t threaten to jail immigrants, take all of their stuff and send them “home” to just die.

    *Edited to say For not four.

  6. Politicsboringagain on

    Republicans are hypocrites.

    News at 11.

    Weve know that republicans always accuse and insult Democrats for doing the things that they themselves do and make excuses for. 

  7. Eatthehamsters69 on

    I don’t get the maga voters, like do they never get tired off this shit?

    Always negative, always the same nonsense.

  8. Trump is a typical rich asshole who revels in doing that for which others suffer harassment by their system. The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug, in which they boast about how they don’t have to be held to the same standards as commoners. Believe it or not, Harris does not come from aristocracy into which Trump was born with a silver spoon from his father’s real estate holdings. Trump is also just plain privileged, racist, and sexist and thinks he is better than a regular mixed race woman from 1960s Oakland.

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