Harvest in England the second worst on record because of wet weather

Source: topotaul


  1. On the plus side, Clarkson will hopefully have some great content for next season of Clarksons farm!

  2. Cyanopicacooki on

    It ain’t just England or even the UK, it’s everywhere.

    On the bright side, the Spanish and Italian olive harvests have been much better this year, so extra virgin shouldn’t go up any more…

  3. Farewell-Farewell on

    Is this not a combination of weather AND problems with some farming practices, such as the degradation of soil that has broken natural drainage, overuse and over-reliance on the use of chemicals, and an exhausted and sterilised land?

  4. Yet we arrest climate change advocates and not heads of fossil fuel companies who continue to push for extraction, nor the heads of multinational corporations who continue to push for growth on a planet with finite resources.

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