Furious Trump Calls for CBS to Be Shut Down Over Harris Interview

Source: newfrontier58


  1. When grandpa would get irrationally angry about things he saw on TV, we put him in a home where they could take care of him. Maybe the GOP could look into that for Trump.

  2. He is really going off the deep end. From the article:

    >Trump’s post included a video showing different edits that CBS made to the longer preview version of the exchange shown on *Face the Nation* and the shorter version broadcast on *60 Minutes*.

    >In both versions, CBS showed Whitaker asking Harris the same question about U.S. influence over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    >In the longer version, first broadcast on *Face the Nation*, the network showed Harris give a confusing extemporaneous reply: “The work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.”

    >However, in the edit of the interview that was broadcast on *60 Minutes*, the network showed a different response, which Harris gave earlier during the exchange about Netanyahu, immediately after Whitaker’s question: “We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.”

    >It is not uncommon for networks to edit interviews for length or clarity, especially to fit into television broadcast time slots, but the removal of Harris’ answer—which drew backlash among conservatives on social media—raised eyebrows. 

    >“TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE,” Trump crowed. He then baselessly alleged, in a second Truth Social post, that CBS had committed “fraud” and worked hand-in-glove with the Democratic Party: “The fraud committed by 60 Minutes and CBS, together with the Democrat Party, is the single Biggest Scandal in Broadcast History!”

  3. alien_from_Europa on

    News Media needs to pay attention to this. They’re all betting on making a butt load of money off Trump but the reality is people aren’t going to watch if he takes your license away as a dictator.

  4. Didn’t Trump declare that Harris had the worst interview ever when she was on 60 minutes? Why be mad at CBS then?

    Also, given the gallons of sanewashing the media does for Trump, methinks the orange man doth protest too much.

  5. Trump’s reaction to the CBS interview shows how thin-skinned he is when it comes to media coverage. Instead of addressing issues, he just lashes out, which only highlights his desperation.

  6. StashedandPainless on

    Look, I get that the rules, norms, laws, and standards that the rest of us need to live by do not apply to donald trump. I get that he is exempt from any normal standard of behavior because holding him to that standard is too offensive and condescending to diner eating red blooded white working class real ‘Murricans.

    But like, come on man. Every single thing is “the greatest scandal in world history”. Anything that he doesnt like is “the worst most horrible most unfair” thing ever. Like…just imagine if Kamala Harris said “fox News ask softball questions and coaches donald trump through their interviews to keep him from looking bad. Fox should have their license revoked, their executives should be thrown in jail or executed, and donald must immediatley concede the election!”. She would be uniltarerally denounced by media outlets from all angles. Democrats up to the level of Obama/Biden/Pelosi would be denouncing these statements and demanding Harris issue a retraction and apology. But the donald is allowed to speak like this because calling him out may hurt the feelings of the “fuck your feelings!” crowd.

    Its disgraceful that this election is even close, and its horrifying to think this is the kind of crap we’re going to hear broadcasted from the oval office AGAIN if he wins. These are the ravings of a deeply disturbed man. If you’re friend was talking like this you’d try to bring him back to earth by asking about last nights game. And if that didn’t work you’d eventually stop hanging out wth them. But this isn’t a friend, this is potentially our next President and the man that 70 million+ think is god.

    You are a bad person and a stupid person if you vote for this man.

  7. ranchoparksteve on

    Trump is incorrect. Or lying. CBS did air the longer version on Sunday. Otherwise, he would have never seen it. Duh.

  8. I am so tired of this asshat. I was tired of him 4 years ago and after a decade of this its been way too much.

  9. Surprised-elephant on

    Guy says he pro first amendment but wants to shut down a news agency for doing an interview.

  10. In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump called *60 Minutes’* decision to air the edited version of the exchange—which, at about one minute and ten seconds, was half as long as the two-minute and 24-second long version aired on *Face the Nation*— “an UNPRECEDENTED SCANDAL” and “a FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal.

    Isn’t it cute that he has no idea what “illegal” is?

    (No, it isn’t)

  11. ThickerSalmon14 on

    I can’t be the only one tired of this, right? I do not want 4 more years of constant headlines like this one.

  12. This guy saw a difference between the interview and the commercials for the interview, and is now insisting the interview was edited.

    Not that the commercial was edited. That the interview was edited.

    Why would he push this stupid idea? Well, it’s either because he’s a complete idiot, or because he believes his voters are complete idiots.

    So how ’bout it, Trump voters? Who’s the idiot? And if it’s him, why vote for him?

  13. I know most of are tired of hearing news about this absolute shitstain of a person, but it makes me giddy knowing how upset he is right now.

  14. MyFirstCarWasA_Vega on

    Seriously.  Daily Beast.  Stop encouraging the mentally two year old that is Trump.  
    I don’t care if he said it.  It’s beyond stupid and NO ONE should have had to read about it except his koolaid drinkers. 

  15. Ah yes, the free speech warrior threatening to use his political power to silence those who upset him.

  16. And this is the guy everyone thinks stands for “freedom of speech”, the guy constantly threatening media outlets who air things he doesn’t like, goes on angry rants about celebrities who endorse his opponent, and inspires angry mobs to go after public officials just trying to do their job.

    What a f*cking joke.

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