Is Victoria foot traffic down 60 per cent? Fact-checking Rustad’s claim

Source: kingbuns2

1 Comment

  1. SaidTheCanadian on

    > “You look at Victoria, for example. The foot traffic in Victoria is down 60 per cent in the downtown core, just in the last couple years alone,” said Rustad during a media event on Tuesday.
    > However, according to annual reports from the DVBA, there is no data showing a 60 per cent decline in downtown Victoria foot traffic.
    > The numbers below show monthly totals at downtown locations where the DVBA has pedestrian sensors in 2022 and 2023.

    Looking closely at the numbers, between 2022 and 2023, the maximum range of changes in numbers recorded by pedestrian sensors went from +8.80% to -1.66%. 3/5 of the sensors reported increases in the numbers of pedestrians. Overall it was relatively constant with modest _increases_ in foot traffic at some locations.

    Rustad’s pants are flaming hot on this one.

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