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PhotonArmy on
The dementia and cocaine aren’t helping.
Dumbfuck has no idea where he is.
hinanska0211 on
He doesn’t know what “middle class” means.
TintedApostle on
You know the press could debunk him easily without waiting for him to do it himself.
IDrewTheDuckBlue on
I am so sad…and disappointed. My mom just said womens health is the least of our problems and she’s not voting for that hyena who dated p Diddy. I’m so tired.
Substantial_Pie_2400 on
Trump really thought that video would land, huh? It’s like he accidentally fact-checked himself mid-speech. 💀
Pitiful-Bus-4791 on
Never fear, his idiot cultists won’t notice. They are not rational people.
Necessary_Chip9934 on
Click saver:
>Donald Trump played a strange video at his rally Wednesday meant to criticize Kamala Harris’s plan to increase taxes for the middle class. But a closer look at the video finds that none of the clips included advocated for increasing taxes on the middle class.
That is the problem with telling so many lies. Eventually you lose track of what you said and contradict yourself. But since trump has no shame or ability to self-reflect all that will go over his head.
addctd2badideas on
In any election from more than 8 years ago, this would have been a death knell for a campaign. It’s so frustrating to watch him just continue to skate by with support intact.
Capt_Dunsel67 on
Red hats didn’t understand it anyway.
IPA__________Fanatic on
His followers wouldn’t know any better. They just see “higher taxes” and ignore where those higher taxes are actually coming from or don’t understand words.
Idiot is right.
mr_evilweed on
You’re making the mistake of assuming that trump’s supporters are actually processing and evaluating anything he’s saying. They’re just nodding along and cheering when everyone else cheers. The words coming out of his mouth don’t matter at all.
deJuice_sc on
lying just seems so exhausting, no wonder the dude is so afraid of being fact checked, he must be going insane trying to keep track of all the lies he’s constantly telling.
Inf1z on
What kind of headline is that?
Melcher on
But his people don’t know repealing those tax cuts won’t affect them. They don’t know she’s referring to corporate taxes….
They will eat this up.
nice-view-from-here on
Gaslighting. Just more gaslighting. I recall that presentation where he was telling his crowd how poll workers were cheating when they were counting votes at the last election. He showed a video of two ladies going about their work, doing what they had volunteered to do, nothing uncommon. Video ends. “See? They were cheating!!!” Freeman/Moss lives were never the same again.
Iowa_Dave on
I dipped into Xitter to read the comments – Yeesh.
Some MAGAs are defending their orange GodKing saying the empty seats were filmed an hour before the event started even though you can hear Trump bellowing away in the background.
The denial is strong…
Slamminrock on
Dick! ..did I type that out loud?
SergeantChic on
The problem is that no one watching actually cares. Their brains have been rendered smooth by the rock tumbler of Fox News over the past 30 years.
RwaarwR on
Does anyone think his mouth breathers care?
Front_Ad3107 on
Lmfao . Reddit for Kamala, talk shit about Trump. X for Trump, talk shit about Kamala . Civil war coming ? Idiot ppl !
SensitiveSomewhere3 on
So, he plays videos at his rallies?
I guess his campaign must like it if it cuts down on the time he spends rambling.
And he probably enjoys being able to just stand there doing nothing for a few minutes.
But if I was in the audience, my thought would likely be: “Well shit. I can just watch videos at home.”
ChrisEFWTX on
This orange fuck is as dumb as he is ugly. Vote as blue as you can friends.
GunnieGraves on
We need to stop wasting time on celebrating these “got him” moments. HIS. SUPPORTERS. WONT. CARE.
He could stand in front of them and say “I never said lock her up!” and then play a video compilation of him saying it and his deplorable supporters will say “he never said that!”
There is nothing we can say or do that will stop them from supporting him. Our time and energy is better spent trying to get apathetic voters off their asses and into the booth.
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/politics) if you have any questions or concerns.*
The dementia and cocaine aren’t helping.
Dumbfuck has no idea where he is.
He doesn’t know what “middle class” means.
You know the press could debunk him easily without waiting for him to do it himself.
I am so sad…and disappointed. My mom just said womens health is the least of our problems and she’s not voting for that hyena who dated p Diddy. I’m so tired.
Trump really thought that video would land, huh? It’s like he accidentally fact-checked himself mid-speech. 💀
Never fear, his idiot cultists won’t notice. They are not rational people.
Click saver:
>Donald Trump played a strange video at his rally Wednesday meant to criticize Kamala Harris’s plan to increase taxes for the middle class. But a closer look at the video finds that none of the clips included advocated for increasing taxes on the middle class.
Idiot Trump is a [pleonasm](
That is the problem with telling so many lies. Eventually you lose track of what you said and contradict yourself. But since trump has no shame or ability to self-reflect all that will go over his head.
In any election from more than 8 years ago, this would have been a death knell for a campaign. It’s so frustrating to watch him just continue to skate by with support intact.
Red hats didn’t understand it anyway.
His followers wouldn’t know any better. They just see “higher taxes” and ignore where those higher taxes are actually coming from or don’t understand words.
Idiot is right.
You’re making the mistake of assuming that trump’s supporters are actually processing and evaluating anything he’s saying. They’re just nodding along and cheering when everyone else cheers. The words coming out of his mouth don’t matter at all.
lying just seems so exhausting, no wonder the dude is so afraid of being fact checked, he must be going insane trying to keep track of all the lies he’s constantly telling.
What kind of headline is that?
But his people don’t know repealing those tax cuts won’t affect them. They don’t know she’s referring to corporate taxes….
They will eat this up.
Gaslighting. Just more gaslighting. I recall that presentation where he was telling his crowd how poll workers were cheating when they were counting votes at the last election. He showed a video of two ladies going about their work, doing what they had volunteered to do, nothing uncommon. Video ends. “See? They were cheating!!!” Freeman/Moss lives were never the same again.
I dipped into Xitter to read the comments – Yeesh.
Some MAGAs are defending their orange GodKing saying the empty seats were filmed an hour before the event started even though you can hear Trump bellowing away in the background.
The denial is strong…
Dick! ..did I type that out loud?
The problem is that no one watching actually cares. Their brains have been rendered smooth by the rock tumbler of Fox News over the past 30 years.
Does anyone think his mouth breathers care?
Lmfao . Reddit for Kamala, talk shit about Trump. X for Trump, talk shit about Kamala . Civil war coming ? Idiot ppl !
So, he plays videos at his rallies?
I guess his campaign must like it if it cuts down on the time he spends rambling.
And he probably enjoys being able to just stand there doing nothing for a few minutes.
But if I was in the audience, my thought would likely be: “Well shit. I can just watch videos at home.”
This orange fuck is as dumb as he is ugly. Vote as blue as you can friends.
We need to stop wasting time on celebrating these “got him” moments. HIS. SUPPORTERS. WONT. CARE.
He could stand in front of them and say “I never said lock her up!” and then play a video compilation of him saying it and his deplorable supporters will say “he never said that!”
There is nothing we can say or do that will stop them from supporting him. Our time and energy is better spent trying to get apathetic voters off their asses and into the booth.