Say what you like about Justin Trudeau, he is qualified to be prime minister

Source: DonSalaam


  1. lllGrapeApelll on

    He’s the head of the party that got the most seats in the last election and enjoys the confidence of the house at the moment. Sounds like he meets the requirements.

  2. Trudeau is not qualified. He is in fact the least qualified PM we ever had, the only reason he got elected is because of his father, and his speaking skills, not because he has any kind of management abilities.

    And that shows when we look at the current economic situation. Canada is not poorer than the 4th poorest US state. Incomes are stagnant compared to the US. Housing prices are twice the price of the US. GDP per capita is stagnant while it’s going up elsewhere. Debt has doubled. And international investment are slowing.

  3. A bit damning with faint praise there given the dearth of real requirements for the job.

    He can pass a national security clearance vetting though, that isn’t nothing – against compared to others.

  4. RedEyedWiartonBoy on

    Lots of people meet minimal requirements. Many of them do an absolutely abysmal job and some just barely get by but when you’re the Prime Minister of a country people hope for a little bit of excellence.

    Justin Trudeau has been an unmitigated disaster on every front and the country is far worse for his having been our prime minister these last 9 years.

    Although lacking in self-awareness and steeped in narcissism his biggest fault is his lack of competence. His inability to run the day today business of government and complete disregard for financial affairs has really hurt us. His government introduces program without results and puts ideology ahead of good policy.

  5. Technically anyone that gets elected is qualified to be prime minister that’s how an election works, whether you are good or not that’s decided by the next election

  6. Prudent-Proposal1943 on

    The housing crisis, percolating for three decades, is not one that can be solved by the federal government anyway. I’d drop that on local governments who could have been responsive and were not.

    As small c as I was before 2020, JT has in general, over performed in the office after about year 3. That’s not saying there are not things that could have been handled better… there absolutely are, and the Liberals will pay handsomely for those shortcomings.

    The biggest failure at this point is a lack of successor. Parties eat their own, so the Conservatives will have a free run for some time after this.

  7. emptycagenowcorroded on

    We’re talking about the current Prime Minister, the guy who has been the Prime Minister for the last eight years and three elections, right? 

    Would the counter argument here be that the seventh longest serving Canadian Prime Minister in Canadian history is “unqualified” to be Prime Minister?

    That’s a bit silly isn’t it?

  8. Corrupted_G_nome on

    This would have been praise the first time he ran. Now tho… Yeah, we know he has been at it a long time and if he lasts till the end of his current term will make him the longrst running Prime minister. So he is the most experienced as well?

  9. I can never understand the appeal of PP and the conservatives. It’s like people want the corporations and the ultra-rich to get richer and the government to become less effective.

  10. CrazyButRightOn on

    Qualified and competent are 2 completely different things. Every Canadian is qualified to be PM. What they do in office and their popularity rating is a direct correlation to their competency.

  11. TheRobfather420 on

    Remember when we had to watch Conservatives whine about Trudeau being a drama teacher and an “elitist” only to watch them nominate a millionaire who’s only job was politics? Dude became a millionaire just in politics.

    See how they whine about Singh holding on for a pension even though he’s a lawyer and PP long ago qualified for a pension himself?

    Teacher? Bad. Lawyer? Bad. Unemployed schmuck who whines about the woke? Good.

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