Podcast host laughs when Trump describes himself as ‘basically a truthful person’

Source: don_caveuto


  1. Aggressive-Will-4500 on

    >“We did great in 2016 and a lot of people don’t know that we did a lot better in 2020. We won. We won. We did win. It was a rigged election,” Trump said.

    Nah… you lost by A LOT.

  2. This has probably been posted about many times already, but I will never not upvote a story about it. I think this moment will end up having a major impact against Trump.

  3. The last used car I bought, I was there for like two hours…after the manager’s manager eventually showed up he literally said “fowlraul, I’m not out here to lie to you.”

    *only the names were changed in this true story, and yes I laughed, but still bought the care an hour later*

  4. Turbulent_Raccoon865 on

    No, I honestly believe he is an inherently honest person — no joke. It helps explain why he is an absolutely terrible liar. Like, unless you are willfully ignoring what’s in your face, every lie is so fucking transparent. And then there’s that utterly predictable ‘projection’ habit he has: everyone is a crook, everyone is stupid, ugly, a loser. Srsly, he absolutely hates himself but he projects this onto every other person because his narcissism refuses to allow him any doubt.

  5. Choice-of-SteinsGate on

    > The former president was expressing his frustration over topics including the House panel that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol and Democratic attacks against him on the “Andrew Schulz’s Flagrant with Akaash Singh” podcast.

    > “But this is a thing [that’s] gonna end in 29 days, so they can say what they want,” Trump said in a clip highlighted by Mediaite. “I have a hard time doing it to them, because … I’m basically a truthful person, but —”

    Lol, this is what Trump went on to say during that same interview:

    > “We did great in 2016 and a lot of people don’t know that we did a lot better in 2020. We won. We won. We did win. It was a rigged election,” Trump said.

    > Trump also called the vice president “a radical-left lunatic who will destroy our nation,” mirroring previous comments in which he has called her “Comrade Kamala.”

    I mean, there aren’t enough facepalm emojis in the world…

    This speaks volumes about Trump’s mental condition. It’s beyond a personality disorder at this point.

    The malignant manchild of a narcissist has the audacity to boast about his honesty, then goes on to peddle one of the most dangerous lies in recent political history.

    Not only that, but he says, in so few words, that he’s the bigger man, and doesn’t feel the need to attack Kamala Harris, then continues attacking her with worn out, over the top claims and smears… And the same *exact* wild claims mind you, that Trump supporters have called “violent rhetoric” in the past.

    It’s gotten to the point where these SNL skits are writing themselves… But it would be comical if it wasn’t so concerning.

    It’s a full time job having to fact check Trump regularly, but what about checking his frontal lobe regularly? I have no doubt that Trump’s recent medical records indicate some form of cognitive disability.

  6. If this is one of the podcasters Barron recommended he might find himself written out of the will.

  7. Dude said the crowd went wild at the debate.

    Dude said he invented the word “caravan”

    There was no crowd at the debate. And caravan has been around for hundreds of years.

  8. Routine-Effort-583 on

    If you’re under 30 take note…
    Trump and his team want to:
    – Close the Dept of Education (no more financial aid or loans to go to college)
    – Close Planned Parenthood (no more free contraception or STD tests or info about abortion)
    – Remove a woman’s choice whether or not to have a child if she accidentally becomes pregnant
    – Ignore climate crisis and not even bother trying to mitigate it
    – Remove Federal election oversight of elections so only local officials can see the process (Project 2025)
    – Restrict and/or ban cannabis and porn (Project 2025)

    Does that sound great to you? If not then vote for Harris and share this with your friends!

  9. One-Attorney2509 on

    Podcast is actually incredible – I think Trump comes across really well.

    Surprised they put him on – the hosts also seemed to be super charmed by him.

    They have to now offer an open invite to Kamala otherwise they run the risk of only favouring Trump

  10. People shouldn’t be giving any credit to Schulz. He’s just another one of the right wing Rogansphere comedians that like Trump and have expressed admiration in the past

  11. Conscious_Problem924 on

    If the media were smart they’d ask him the same 3 questions exactly the same over and over. And then play it on a loop so his moronic fan base get the message. Why sensationalize stupidity? This is how you catch a liar.

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