BC Coroners Service says no record of fatal overdose where Rustad says he saw man die

Source: _LKB


  1. Hmm. I’m starting to wonder if this guy is some sort of weird liar with no real beliefs or convictions who will say whatever if it suits his political goals.

    > Prior to provincial politics, he had worked in the forest sector for two decades, founding a consulting firm named Western Geographic Information Systems Inc. in 1995.

    Oh I wonder if his goals are to increase logging and funnel money to his own company

    > Rustad’s comments about Indigenous peoples in Canada include that the efforts of the provincial government of British Columbia to recognize Indigenous land claims in Canada are “a direct assault on private property”

    Yup, logging baron wants more logging. I’m shocked, shocked I say.

  2. I knew as soon as he said it that it never happened. It was such a typical vague recounting of such a basic, imaginable situation, in which he had no unique identifying details about the situation, aside from the place it supposedly happened, which was just a random intersection he chose, it seems.

    This is such a typical tactic of the hollow politician, that I recognized it immediately. Always the “*I met a man from ______, came up to me with tears in his eyes, and just so happened to passionately provide a useful anecdote for me to say during a debate speech!*”… like, every time with hollow politicians and the cliched anecdotes that sound made up. It becomes doubly obvious when you make up the most vague and typical sounding anecdote, and pretend that it just happened in the last couple weeks before the debate.

    As soon as he said it, I said to myself, “Guarantee he didn’t actually see that.” He didn’t even say it in the most believable way… it sounded like he was reciting a written story, not remembering it.

    I pray the people who fall for lies like his either smarten up soon, or get lost on their way to the polling station.

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