‘I’m not panicked’: British family heads to Florida for Disneyworld holiday – despite Hurricane Milton warnings

Source: tylerthe-theatre


  1. penguinsfrommars on

    Jesus wept. Just read an article describing this beast of a storm. 180-200mph winds and only a tiny eye at 3.5 miles across. 

    These people are fecking idiots.

  2. As horrible as this hurricane is, Disney World will probably be back open by the weekend. Their infrastructure is built to withstand powerful hurricanes.

    The issue is getting there right before such a storm, which seems stupid. But I guess they don’t want to lose all the money they spent on flights.

    I think if it were me I would fly there, grab the hire car and then get the hell out of Florida before the storm arrives, visit somewhere else and return if safe to do so when Disney reopens – rather than write off the entire trip.

  3. ferrel_hadley on

    East side of Florida will be safe. There will be a storm surge as it passes back into the oceans but the dry land will majorly reduce the ferocity of the wind and thus strength of the storm surge.

    BUT if anything happens, and it can, he will be a burden on first responders who could be better utilised elsewhere.

    It looks like Tampa will be spared the worst possible outcome, but it will still be drowned. A large part of the state will be without power and every spare pair of hands that can help rescue will be needed. Tourists with nothing to tour are not helping.

  4. Genuinely wondering what happens at Kennedy Soace Centre during a hurricane with their enormous 1:1 scale rocket models just standing there

  5. pissflapgrease on

    Are they walking? I assumed flights would have been cancelled for the next few days.

  6. Soggy_Effective6726 on

    You know what, I was waiting exactly for a post like this to come up with the Hurricane going on.

  7. Despite some questionable farming practices the USA has some extraordinarily varied and good eating. Then there is this walking penis… “Best o’ British?”

  8. I nominate them for the Darwin Awards. Hope they’ve got a banging thank you speech when they win.

  9. Scared_Turnover_2257 on

    Probably thinks worst case Nigel will personally call his “mates” in the SAS to come and rescue him so he can go full compo face in the local rag about how he expected it to be windy but not that windy. Nothing like a Brit who genuinely believes we get extreme weather in this country.

  10. restore_democracy on

    Parks will probably be open by Friday. I wouldn’t be headed for a beach on the gulf coast but there’s a bit of hysteria among people who think the whole state is going to be washed into the sea.

  11. Wow, as a native Floridian living in England, this guy is a complete dumbass. He won’t be feeling so high and mighty about how much better Brits are at “handling adversity” when he realises he’s never been in a real storm before

  12. Florida is full of natural beauty, and their group photo is taken in a stripmall in front of the “Best of British Pub”

    Say no more …

  13. whitecaribbean on

    Fair play, they look like the kind of family that would still fly out to Florida in the middle of the hurricane of the century. At least they’re living up their looks.

  14. shadereckless on

    This is where living in a place with as benign a weather as we have will come and slap you in the face 

  15. TynesidePanda on

    Bookmark this thread so that when the inevitable Gofundme appeal comes along we can prove to the gullible public that they’re the pi ss

  16. I’d fine people like this for gross negligence. It’s totally irresponsible and you just know they’ll be seeking government help should something awful happen to them. Idiots.

  17. Ok_Commission_8436 on

    That looks like the kind of face you’d expect that level of stupidity from.

  18. afungalmirror on

    I wonder if there’s any relationship between people flying thousands of miles to Florida despite the hurricanes and the ever increasing strength of the hurricanes themselves.

  19. RaymondBumcheese on

    If you asked 100 people to draw a ‘British Holiday Maker Who Ignores Hurricane Warnings’, they would all draw that guy

  20. Tampa is on the west coast of Florida. Floridians are moving themselves to Orlando to be safe. Bloke just got himself extra money to spend on Disney Dollars once the park is open again.

  21. SingerFirm1090 on

    Of course the publicity means the kid’s school now know they are not a granny’s funeral.

  22. Georgeisbored1978 on

    Goes to Florida during a hurricane , immediately has breakfast in a British pub. Figures.

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