It turns out Trump’s ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles were made in China

Source: InternetPopular3679


  1. Whatever makes sense, I guess. I mean, child care is nothing compared to the big numbers we are talking from tariffs on these bible imports!

  2. I mean, duh. If anyone at all is shocked by this they’re not paying attention. The shirts are made in China. The flags are made in China. The hats are made in China. I’m sure the discount sneakers are made in China, too.

  3. theschwartz84 on

    Doesn’t this mean that they’ll no longer fit the standards for the Bible’s that Oklahoma wants in their schools?

  4. Thats pretty ironic! Promoting “God Bless the USA” Bibles while they are made in China just feels like a contradiction. It really makes you think about the authenticity of some of these patriotic messages. Whats the point of waving the flag if you’re not supporting local businesses?

  5. You mean the place that Trump complained was stealing all our labor and needed to be hit with crippling tariffs?

    It would be hilarious if Biden dropped a tariff on the bibles being imported.

  6. marshmallow-jones on

    He was busted on one of the late night shows in 16 or 20 over this kind of shit. He just smirked in response.

  7. Boy, it sure would be funny if they were to pass an addendum that said the bibles had to be made in the US

  8. “If Trump is so supportive of ‘America First’ then why does he make his merchandise in China?”

    Conservatives: Because he is a great businessman!

    So then why is it bad for non-Trump business people to make goods in China?

  9. Pretty sure all his merch is from there and these bibles were actually created by a different guy a few years ago and the. Appropriated by the Donald

  10. I remember David Cross did a comedy video where he harnessed Chinese manufacturing to make apple pies that played God Bless America when you pulled a little plastic flag out of them. It was a good video, but this makes me realize that he probably considered bibles at some point and said, “Nah — too far.” Anyway, good for the president for having less shame than a comedian.

  11. Of freaking course they were. These idiots will lap up anything their orange overlord sells them. He cheaps out on everything, why expect anything different now?

  12. diogenesRetriever on

    I suppose they’ll be $n/1.25 cheaper since the Chinese will pay the tarrif on them?

  13. Tadpoleonicwars on

    We’re about a week away from Republicans saying this is just Trump’s genius method to expose Chinese manufacturing workers to America’s Judeo-Christian values and our founding documents.

  14. MySixHourErection on

    Kamala is a communist who uses her identity to bait you! Now here, buy my Bible, made in communist China, to show that you are a true Christian who supports America.

    You can’t even satirize this.

  15. _ficklelilpickle on

    LOL like every fucking thing else he’s swindled money with.

    Wanna take bets on where his watches he’s flogging for $100k actually come from?

  16. itsamalarkaly on

    What I find even more outrageous is the mark up , from $3 cost to $59.99.

    How do they not see the contempt he has for them ? He doesn’t care about them, or anyone, except for how they can benefit him. What has he ever done for them ? Or anyone other than billionaires and religious zealots. I’ll never understand the hold he has on people.

    From the article

    ‘The estimated value of the three separate shipments was $342,000, or less than $3 per Bible, according to databases that use customs data to track exports and imports. The minimum price for the Trump-backed Bible is $59.99, putting the potential sales revenue at about $7 million.’

  17. Are evangelicals aware that Jesus prolly didn’t know what the fuck a United States of America was?

    My favorite passage from the Bible was when Jesus body slammed the moneychangers through their tables and the crowd erupted into USA chants.

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