DeepDive: Canada’s skyrocketing rates of non-permanent residents are the highest they’ve ever been

Source: Difficult-Yam-1347


  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “The consequences of this major growth in the number of international students and temporary workers permits have been thoroughly discussed elsewhere, so I merely mention here the dramatic growth that has continued through to mid-2024, now up to an unprecedented 7.2 percent of the Canadian total population. Historically the NPR population had hovered at around 1 to 2 percent of Canada’s total, but more recently, this has been dramatically altered.”

    . . .

    “Using IRCC’s mid-range estimate of 260,000 undocumented persons, the percentage of Canada’s population born abroad subsequently rises, albeit only slightly to 31 percent. Using the minister’s upper limit estimate, the percentage born in a country rises a bit further, up to 31.6 percent”

  2. Screw_You_Taxpayer on

    This was never part of any Liberal platform or proposal, and yet it has had a more profound effect on Canada than anything else the Liberals did. Something to think about when people go on about judging parties by their plans and promises.

  3. RedEyedWiartonBoy on

    Unplanned and under resourced growth is a bad idea for everyone no matter what you are told.

  4. Itchy_Training_88 on

    I’m all for immigration because we need to increase our tax base. 

    But I feel the country has focused too much on people to fill low wage jobs  instead of qualified individuals to fill trades and high education professions. 

    Let’s be real most low wage Jobs don’t provide much tax revenue (the main reason we are pushing immigration) 1 doctor would give the same tax revenue as 10+ low wage earners. (Some of those low wage earners may not even make enough to put them outside of the exemption)

  5. There’s a good comment toward the end of the article about the Trudeau government ramped up immigration levels thinking only about the benefits and not about any of the costs. That’s a common feature of this wretched government; a complete unwillingness to even admit that all policy decisions come with both benefits and costs, never mind openly discussing the cost/benefit analysis and/or the trade offs involved in making the decisions that they do. They always blow their own horns about the benefits and proclaim themselves morally just, and that anyone who attempts to criticize them is just totally wrong and dangerous and misinformed.

    This omnipresent holier-than-thou attitude has now finally given rise to an opposition leader who has largely dispensed with making detailed critiques of government policies because they fall on deaf ears, instead choosing to go for the personal and the emotional.

    We’ll be years restoring some modicum of civility to our political discourse, if we even can.

  6. Taking people from low carbon areas and dumping them into a housing crisis and hour long commutes, as we spend billions on supposedly fighting climate change.

  7. Born_Courage99 on

    We need deportations once these people’s visas expire. That’s the ugly honest truth of a possible solution, but the country isn’t ready for conversation.

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