China demands schoolteachers hand in their passports

Source: ardi62


  1. “The passport collection drive, carried out under what is known as “personal travel abroad management,” allows local government officials to control and monitor who can travel abroad, how often and to where.“

    ‘Personal travel abroad management’, ‘vocational education and training facilities’, ‘great leap forward’… It really is amazing how innocuous you can make things sound if you are committed to it.

  2. “Personal Travel Abroad Management” policy aka attack on freedom of movement. I love how these authoritarian regimes, especially China’s Communist Party, come up with these sanitised Orwellian phrases. Fancy an unelected regime controlling where and when you can leave your country purely out of political spite from a power hungry dictator.

  3. Are_we_winning_son on


    “The restrictions are hitting retirees as well. A 76-year-old who retired from a state-owned aircraft maker more than 10 years ago said his former employer took his passport back this year for “security reasons” and barred him from visiting family abroad.”

    This happened 10 years ago to this poor guy. I guess China is normalizing / ramping up ⬆️ these policies that have already existed since 2003

  4. Hot_Cheese650 on

    Clueless and brainwashed mainland Chinese still don’t believe their country is basically a bigger version of North Korea.

  5. This article mentions it is happening in an unnamed city in Sichuan province, which borders Tibet. I live in a major city in China, but not in Sichuan province. I have not been told to surrender my passport nor have any of my friends in China.

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