As deepfakes advance with technology, there are concerns they could become a ‘threat to democracy’

Source: Ambitious-Deal3r

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    >[By Sarah Richards](
    Australia’s first political deepfake starred former Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk claiming the state was “cooked”.

    >The digitally altered video was uploaded to social media during the state’s last election and attracted around a million views.

    >A deepfake is an artificial intelligence-generated simulation, Australia Institute’s democracy and accountability program director Bill Browne said.

    >”In 2020, we saw one of Australia’s first political deepfakes with a video of Annastacia Palaszczuk, then the premier, saying and doing things she didn’t say and do,” he said.

    >The post, published by the lobby group Advance Australia, depicted Ms Palaszczuk hosting a press conference claiming the state was in “massive debt” and had “huge unemployment”.

    >”I would like your vote on October 31, but if you want to get rid of us, I completely understand,” Ms Palaszczuk’s deepfake said.

    >Mr Browne said it was “clearly marked as a fake” and “was making a satirical point rather than misleading people”.

    >Meta removed three versions of the video for not following the social media platform’s “policy for ads about social issues, elections or politics,” but not before it was seen collectively around a million times.

    >It wouldn’t be the last time deepfakes have infiltrated Australian politics. 

    >The Australian Labor Party created a video of federal opposition leader Peter Dutton dancing and shared it on TikTok in June this year.

    >The video was captioned “dance if you want to build nuclear power plants in everyone’s backyard” and was marked as AI-generated.

    >Mr Browne said deepfakes have been used to mislead people elsewhere in the world, including the upcoming 2024 US presidential election.

    >”That’ll naturally raise concerns that we might see that similar phenomenon happening in Australia,” he said.

    >US presidential candidate Donald Trump has shared several fake images implying Taylor Swift’s endorsement of his campaign, including an image of the musician in an Uncle Sam outfit and women wearing “Swifties for Trump” t-shirts.

    >Swift has since announced she’ll will be voting for Kamala Harris in the election.

    >In a post on social media, she said she felt compelled to share who she was voting for after AI generated material of her began circulating online

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