Federal Voting Intentions: September 2024 [Conservatives 42%, Liberals 25%, NDP 17%, Bloc Quebecois 7% (31% QC), Green 3%, PPC 3%]

Source: tspshocker

1 Comment

  1. Topline numbers for the CPC from this are about the same as everyone else, but this poll has Liberal support much higher than others at the cost of lower NDP and Bloc support. It’s a dramatic difference compared to last week’s Mainstreet and Nanos polls, which had the NDP above the Liberals and were conducted around the same time as this one. This has the Liberals up 3 compared to last week’s Nanos, but up 6 compared to Mainstreet, and it has the NDP down 5 compared to Nanos and down 3 compared to Mainstreet.

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