Opinion: A Pierre Poilievre government would mean a climate catastrophe

Source: hopoke


  1. Hoss-Bonaventure_CEO on

    We may as well just get used to our climate catastrophe and start preparing for a future that is far less friendly than our past.

  2. Various-Passenger398 on

    I don’t think Canada moves the needle a ton on global emissions regardless of who is in power.  A 10% country wide reduction versus a 10% increase doesn’t change much globally. 

  3. Longtimelurker2575 on

    The idea that a CPC government will have anything other than a negligible effect on the earths climate as a whole is laughable.

  4. AdditionalServe3175 on

    Climate change is real. It’s caused by humans. I decided to look into the impact of the tax in some detail when I was shocked by Jagmeet Singh’s appearance of backing away from the carbon tax.

    Now the numbers. In 2022, global CO2 emissions were [37,150 megatonnes](https://www.statista.com/statistics/276629/global-co2-emissions/). Canada’s part was [708 megatonnes](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions.html).

    According to the current predictions, by 2030, the Carbon Tax will contribute to a reduction of between [“19 to 22 Mt” of CO2](https://www.naviusresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/440-ERP-followup-V3-no-embargo.pdf).

    So if we “Axe the Tax” then in 2030 we are looking at emissions being about 20 megatonnes higher than they would have been without the tax in place. As a share of global human emissions today that represents 0.054%.

    That 0.054% is not is what is standing between us and a climate catastrophe. It’s not even a rounding error. The market nudges provided by a consumer carbon tax to reduce demand are simply not enough: we need regulatory changes to how our electricity is generated, how our homes are heated, and how our vehicles are powered.

  5. CrunchyPeanutMaster on

    This headline is rather sensationalized. How could Canada, which makes less than 2% of total World pollution, have any significant impacts politically or otherwise is just insane.

  6. theclansman22 on

    We will have a climate catastrophe either way, but Canada will be better positioned for the demands of the growing green economy in the coming decades if he isn’t elected.

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