Foreign nationals ‘twice as likely’ to be arrested than Britons

Source: Fox_9810


  1. badgerbogder3174 on

    Are they twice as likely to be committing crimes or threatening people? Are they twice as likely to be armed?

  2. corbynista2029 on

    >For the UK comparison, our research used census data for UK-born people with and without a passport and the foreign-born population with a passport.

    Given that there has been record migration since the census was taken in March 2021, and the arrest figures span from 2021 to 2024, I don’t think this gives the correct per capita figure that Telegraph is trying to push.

    >One study found 64 per cent of 3,308 crimes were committed by 20 to 40 year-olds. While half of foreign nationals are aged 20 to 40, some 23 per cent of British nationals are in this age bracket.

    So Telegraph cannot even be bothered to adjust to age?? If a demographic has twice as many working age adults, then no shit there are more arrests in said demographic.

  3. imakeatheaccount on

    “Foreign national” is not a particularly helpful category, being an aggregate of dozens upon dozens of distinct groups.

  4. Rebel_walker2019283 on

    Didn’t need the media or any think tank to tell me this, already knew from the data we have from other European countries and what I see with my own eyes.

  5. Tartan_Samurai on

    Has a ring of ‘black people 4 times as likely to be stopped and searched’ about it.

  6. The Telegraph is owned by Frederick Barclay who has spent his life in the Channel Islands to avoid paying taxes that could have been used to hire more police.

  7. MeanCustardCreme on

    There are a lot of mental gymnastics used in this situation. People are seeing increased levels of crime up and down the country, and people can see that it is tied to an increase in net migration. However time and time again, people pointing this out are told that it’s racist. But then when we get the crime stats which clearly show it to be the case, people will then point their finger at the police as being “institutionally racist”, xenophobic and so on. Basically, no matter which way you look at it, it’s racist, and nothing to do with immigration.

    It’s possible to simultaneously hold the view that immigrants to the country are a good thing on a whole, but net immigration that is too high over short periods of time is damaging. The majority of people migrating here are going to be economic migrants, and so likely coming to the country from poorer regions, and living in poorer areas, and in those areas there are higher levels of certain crimes. That is not the same as saying that all immigrants are criminals, but it’s not really a surprise that there are increased levels of crime, and those crimes are caused by certain nationalities from particular backgrounds.

  8. “There’s no evidence of minorities or migrants commit more crimes than white natives. That’s racist.”

    Policing facts show otherwise.

    “The reason for those figures is due to institutional racism.”

    Repeat method to apply to anything currently topical.

  9. Well if there adults an predominantly men, that’s just the group that gets arrested most anyway.

  10. AcademicIncrease8080 on

    If you commit a crime in somewhere like Singapore or Dubai, you will be almost instantly deported – why does the UK tolerate high levels of migrant crime?

  11. shaversonly230v115v on

    If it’s from the same data the Telegraph reported last week then it’s not been adjusted for age and gender.

    Younger people and particularly young males are much more likely to be arrested in general across all ethnic groups. Foreign nationals are more likely to be young and male.

    The data is pretty useless without adjusting for these factors.

    Well, it’s pretty good if you want to spread negative stories about immigrants.

    I’m sure a fine publication like the Telegraph wouldn’t be doing that though

  12. When you realise that one in 20 Albanians in the UK are in prison, with similar rates for people from Iraq, parts of East and North Africa, is this a surprise?

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