Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt says we should go all in on building AI data centers because ‘we are never going to meet our climate goals anyway’

Source: BikkaZz


  1. “Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt says

    it’s time for us to fully invest in AI infrastructure because climate goals are too lofty to reach anyway.

    The Biden administration set an ambitious target for the power sector to be carbon-neutral by 2035 and for the US economy to be net zero by 2050.

    But AI’s dramatic need for energy has pushed some AI execs to turn to fossil fuels, which could threaten those net-zero goals.

    In 2022, Schmidt founded White Stork, a defense company that develops AI-powered drones. At a lecture at Stanford University in April,

    Schmidt said the war in Ukraine had turned him into an “arms dealer.” He also said that White Stork would “use AI in complicated, powerful ways for these essentially robotic wars.”

    The AI boom has spurred a wave of spending on data centers, which provide the computational power needed to train and run AI models. But the surge in development comes at a price, as data centers consume huge amounts of natural resources.

    According to McKinsey, data centers are expected to consume 35 gigawatts of power annually by 2030, up from 17 gigawatts last year.”

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    How many more trillions of our taxpayers money handouts for these creeps ransacking America economy and Americans future?

    Far right extremists libertarians tech bros dismantling America economy system…and the planet…literally the planet 🌎

    And for a technology that doesn’t even work right…

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