This a war crime.

Source: Pitmaster4Ukraine


  1. bobfromaccounting993 on

    I didn’t think I could hate russians anymore than I already did, but day after day they fail to earn my distain even more… Fuck every last russian.

  2. bigorangemachine on

    Shit like this the Orcs should be grateful for their lives if they are taken PoWs

  3. Fun_Blackberry7059 on

    Yes it is, very much so. The unit who did this was eliminated by Azov, one member taken as POW and interviewed (available on this subreddit).

  4. We have clear proof of warcrimes but we are still talking about some bs like can Ukraine use western weapons on Rossia.
    This is so stupid.

  5. No one going to mention the cut in the video at the 6 second mark? Not saying this is not a war crime/murder but the cut does make the video suspicious…

  6. Sigh. War crime aside, it’s the same fucking story – Ukrainians hiding in some basement or dugout and getting surrounded by Russians, only to have to surrender and end up getting killed by Orcs that don’t follow the conventions of war. Hiding in a hole in the ground is not defending an area. Well, at least we know why Ukrainians lose ground to Russians. I guess not all of them are like the giga-chad who fought off an assault almost on his own. You’re not fighting anybody off when you’re hiding in a basement. Someone in the Ukrainian chain of command needs to wise up.

  7. No-Signature649 on

    So what was the tactical advantage of killing these guys surrendering! This is again why a lot of ppl don’t kick it with Russia…

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