Massacre in Burkina Faso left 600 dead, double previous estimates.

Source: ZeroEqualsOne


  1. Looks like that Russia took the offer of replacing France, but without doing the actual job.

  2. allbright1111 on

    >A series of coups across Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger led to the departure of French and American forces. The Russian mercenaries summoned by the juntas to bolster their grip have instead left a vacuum in which jihadists have thrived.

    So damn sad. So unnecessary.

  3. There are people who cheered when Burkina Faso “decolonized” itself.

    So they allied themself with Russia of all people. This is the result of that. Russia gives a shit about the security and human life. The want to rob Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger for their ressources.

    You can be assured that the mines are well protected by Wagner

  4. JustGulabjamun on

    This is what Dr Jaishankar was pointing to when he said “Europe has to get out the mindset that Europe’s problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems”.

  5. Total-Remote1006 on

    So now the snowflakes with purple hair from New York will surely protest this massacre now, right? RIGHT????

  6. I guess we now know why it was necessary for the French and American military to be there…

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