Is Russia Headed for Economic Ruin in 2025? Analyzing the Financial Fallout of Prolonged Warfare

Source: gewur33


  1. Looks quite shitty, to be honest. National Wealth Fund will be depleted in 2025.
    Almost 20 Years of saving up wealth of the russian population burned in ~3 years of war.

  2. Beast_of_Guanyin on


    Their economy is vastly overheated due to the war and their borrowing rate is massive. In 2025 their stockpiles will run out as well.

    All it takes for Ukraine to win is two years of funding. Russia cannot last till the end of 2025.

  3. CaramelCritical5906 on

    Let Ruzzzia descend into economic disaster!! Don’t help these pathetic, despicable Terrorists!! Ruzzzzzia will collapse! Then Ukraine gets all its territories back!! Ukraine joins NATO!! A 30 km buffer demilitarized zone on Ruzzzzzian territory! A fully comprehensive detailed plan to fully compensate all of the millions Ukrainians who have suffered physical injuries, death, torture, rape… Compensation for all property loss!! Return of all kidnapped children!! A Nuremberg style war crimes trials for all Ruzzzzzian war criminals!! This war never should have happened! But Ruzzzzzia did a test run in Georgia and Crimea annexation in 2014! The West did NOTHING!! Don’t repeat the same critical mistake!! Ruzzzzzia MUST be held fully accountable! Or history will repeat itself!!

  4. MightyKittenEmpire2 on

    This may be part of why the US is holding back on helping UA win. A lot of what CIA does is evaluating foreign economies. Perhaps we’ve decided the best result is a bankrupt but still intact RU?

    I hate that plan based on UA humanitarian grounds, but the US has done worse.

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