Russian Su-25 which crashed this morning on the Donetsk front was shot down by another Russian aircraft in a friendly fire incident

Source: bunsinh


  1. The pilots must’ve had some serious beef for this to happen, you don’t just accidentally shoot down your wingman from close range.

  2. Candid_House_6367 on

    When you lock in your friend just for fun and accidentally left click and shoot him down :D. Happens to the best of us.

  3. Looks like on purpose
    1) catch up
    2) lock
    3) fire
    4) turn away..

    that was not a friendly-fire accident, that was a planned shootdown…

  4. This was either a straight-up murder, or the most ridiculous failure of IFF/deconfliction/target-identification that I’ve ever heard of. Either way, somebody just got transferred to an infantry unit…

  5. Wingman wasn’t too happy about his Flight Lead, so he decided to give himself an in-field promotion. 

     Wingman: “Target locked!” 

    FL: “What? Where? I don’t see it” 

    Wingman: “Don’t worry about it! FOX2!”

  6. Su-25 is a ground attack aircraft, so it is specialised on flying low and striking ground targets precisely. Anyone can explain what their mission might have been flying that high? One might think Russia has other aircraft types that could fill that role.

  7. “Wait Ivan, let me test what happens when I Fox-2 you with no missiles remaining! 3,2,1.. Blyat Ivan! I thought we had only Air-to-Hospitals with us! Flares Ivan! Oh too late now…”

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