Revenge of the ousted 86-year-old Scouts Canada leader

Source: Valanaro


  1. Sad-Durian-3079 on

    Pass the torch old timer, you hogging it for 66 years. Plenty of younger capable leaders who are not as out of touch.

  2. >Hannan, a widower and retired public servant, told the court “his volunteer work with the Scouts continues to be a passion for him, his major source of social interaction, and, in the joy he obtains from teaching skills to youth, a continued source of pride and satisfaction,” MacLeod said.

    >“This is not solely for his own benefit. ‘Scouter Wayne’ is considered by other Scouters, Scouts and parents to play (an) important role. In particular, he is valued for his deep knowledge of scouting, his contribution to the ceremonies and traditions of the Sea Scouts, and also it appears for his obsession with safety and safety protocols.”

    Seems like this was all he had left and was doing a great job of it.

    >The judge concluded “that the allegation in the letter about verbal warnings, safety concerns and failure to adapt to the changing needs of the organization are without substance. It is then particularly shocking that (Scouts Canada) attempted to further besmirch the reputation of an individual that has devoted much of his life to Scouting by repeating and further exaggerating that claim in the form of inadmissible affidavit evidence” put before the court.

    Scouts Canada was caught and decided to double down on attacking him. It’s quite a lot of effort to silence someone in a volunteer position.

    >The affidavit, written by Stacy Adair, an employee with Scouts Canada and the organization’s director of finance and business services, who lives in Dartmouth, N.S., stated that Hannan had “berated youth participants,” which Hannan disputed.

    >“There is not a single document, note or record produced by Scouts Canada to substantiate these concerns,” MacLeod concluded.

    And he had testimonials from other troop leaders and parents. Someone in Scouts Canada was out to get him and it took a court case for the poor man to get his reputation and volunteer job back. Sounds like Scouts Canada needs to clean their own house.

  3. Street_Mall9536 on

    Damn him for standing in the way of Scouts Canada selling everything off, raising the prices of everything to elite level, and completely ruining the core of scouting, while making it more boring than ever for kids to struggle through. 

    (Coming from a former Wolf cub and Scout, and a parent of a child who left the organization)

  4. Good for him. Sucks it cost 50k. And sucks that they had to pay him for it. Yes Safty first. But it should not stop you from doing things. The people who run this need to really step down.

  5. I find it funny in the New world where they’re attacking then for being in women’s sports. Yet women and girls in the Boy scouts made them take it away from saying boy. No judgment to say it’s strange you think the same would be both ways no girls and women and boys sports are into boys Boy Scout.

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