Quebec language watchdog orders Gatineau café to make Instagram posts in French | CBC News

Source: Whynutcoconot


  1. The OQLF asked the cafe to ensure that future posts were made in French, then :

    > Petites Gamines, which describes itself as a “neurospicy woman-run coffee shop and bakery.” Owner says she will fight back.

    I mean… I’m not sure what exactly she will fight back.

    > Whether social media posts are covered by the law remains a grey area, according to Allen Mendelsohn, a lawyer specializing in internet law who teaches at McGill University. But given the potential costs of a legal challenge, Mendelsohn has advised clients in similar situations to comply with the office and post promotional materials bilingually. “From a politesse — to use the French word — perspective, promoting your business in both official languages when you’re in Quebec is the right thing to do,” he said.

  2. Agressive-toothbrush on

    Crazy lady with a business in Quebec could not be bothered with making bilingual commercial posts online, somehow claims to be a victim…

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