Trump Promised to Release His Medical Records. He Still Won’t Do It.

Source: HandSack135


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  2. Just like:

    His taxes

    His healthcare plan

    His infrastructure plan

    His immigration plan

    His grades

    His Michigan Man of the Year

  3. onceinawhile222 on

    Everyone who has seen him in the lobby with the golf shirt knows he is in perfect health. Are you going to believe a doctor or your own eyes, I thought Vegas had a perfect illustration of Donald’s health.

  4. He promised to do a lot of things. WTF in this article about? The man is a pathological liar and never tells the truth. He’s been doing this his whole life. Trump laughs at the media putting out stories like this, and as always, he still loves the attention. The media are such gullible fools.

  5. ThatIsTheLonging on

    I still remember being assured his health was “astonishingly excellent” back in 2016, in language a physician would definitely use.

  6. Frustrating that democratic just complain about them things he doesn’t do instead of mocking him for it?

    Aww baby trump has more bone spurs just like when he avoided service time? Or is he just a decrepit old man? Oh you’re not? Prove it!

  7. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    Sure is a lucky break for DJT that, as far as the media is concerned, the age and cognitive fitness of the candidates stopped being an important issue after Joe Biden stepped down

  8. nigerian-prince-420 on

    This is becoming like a madlib.

    “Trump promised to (verb) (noun). He didn’t do it.”

  9. Is anyone else afraid that he might die or become so incapacitated before election day and slick willy becomes the choice? Or worse yet he pulls off a 2016 and lasts a few months before his brain totally fries and the Heritage boys and the rest of the puppet masters get what they have been drooling for.

  10. Medical records schmedical records. He promised to release his taxes in 2015, except that they were ‘in audit’. An audit that is lasting for nine years?

  11. *They want me to release my health records now. I take test. The best tests. I took their cognition tests and I got a high score. The highest score. No one has cognitived more than I have. They say “Mr Trump how do you do so well on the tests?”. No one believes it for some reason. Better than sleepy Joe. Sleepy Joe Biden doesnt even know he’s on the beach. Women … our beautiful women … they love Mr Trump they don’t like Sleepy Joe or laffin comrade Kam-ela. The migrants they’re real happy with China joe. He just lets them eat all the dogs and all the cats and the pets of the people. But not me, I’m sending them all back on day 1. They can find their own Asylums not ours.*

  12. He shits himself; he spews nonsensical hate; he’s unsure where he is at any given time; he rages at and about women. Yeah, I think the medical record is pretty clear.

  13. SasparillaTango on

    Because he’s a liar. He lies. About anything and everything.

    He also claimed dozens of times about releasing policy “in about two weeks” that never happened.

  14. Then I guess we can add it to the list of things that Trump promised to do and never / won’t do .

  15. Because it will-

    Show that he is nearly if not fully unable to hold his bladder and needs diapers and to be wiped (Laura Loomer is being paged as we speak)

    Wasnt shot in the ear, likely hit something or a SS agent

    Has dementia and other mental weaknesses, can barelt keep it together

    Likely a variety of heart problems from a diet of Big Macs

  16. There might be a reason he’s no longer bragging about passing a dementia screening test.

  17. I’m not a doctor but I’ll release a report that is 99% more likely to be more accurate than anything Trump might release and has a 90% chance overall of being accurate:

    6’0 307 pounds

    Cholesterol and blood pressure through the roof.

    Narcissistic personality disorder with antisocial and paranoid features, Histrionic personality disorder with borderline features, bipolar disorder, substance use disorder, dementia, coronary artery disease, sarcopenia, possibly ADHD and other issues.

  18. A trump promise, yeah that’s worth its weight in, idk…hot air. I seriously can’t believe we’re still having to deal with his ass. I know there are some people in this country that couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel but never imagined there were so damn many of em. This time around he needs to lose by a big enough margin where he’ll have no other option than to tuck his tail and fade into the sunset and take the GQP with him. When it happens…party at my house.

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