Return-to-office mandates may not be the solution to downtown struggles that Canadian cities are banking on

Source: NeighborhoodDull3594


  1. Dry-Membership8141 on

    Does anyone outside of the federal public service actually care about this issue? My employer sent us back to the office more than two years ago with nary a peep from my colleagues.

  2. If by “Canadian cities” you mean “businesses that lobbied the government because they own commercial real estate or refuse to stay open after 3pm”, then yes.

  3. Climate change is conveniently forgotten when it comes to return to office. At this point i am starting to wonder how urgent climate change really is, because when it comes to vote, bash the right and tax us it is of uttermost importance, but completely ignored when it comes to everything else.

    It feels like it is becoming a new religion or something.

  4. Since my daily parking just went up $4 day, I realize retiring early to avoid fulltime office work again is the best solution. And, ya, I am fortunate I can do that. With a small financial hit of course. But screw $4000/year to park for the sheer “joy” of working downtown.

  5. GoblinDiplomat on

    No shit.

    Commuting gives people *less* time and money to spend on local businesses.

  6. While the rest of us with real jobs have been back for years… the entitlement is just gross.

    Why don’t they ask for another pay raise and add some more paid holidays that the rest of have to work while they are at it?

  7. My coworkers and i have been sent back downtown 2 days per week. We have all decided to do our best to not spend any money while we are downtown.

  8. No fucking shit…. Go take a walk downtown Toronto and you realize pretty damn quickly that the reason why it’s always buzzing with people is because… And hold on to your hats on this one… PEOPLE LIVE DOWNTOWN 😂

    If you have enough condos and homes downtown, you magically have a stable customer base.

  9. But then there won’t be any need for a tunnel under the 401 if less people are driving to the office and polluting the environment!

  10. AllUrUpsAreBelong2Us on

    RTO is a mix, landlords DEMANDING that people pay them and workplaces looking to make people quit so they don’t have to pay severance. Even the feds have a hiring freeze and many people near retirement that this is their tactic.

  11. think_like_an_ape on

    Folks are broke … sending Everton back to office will help the local economy a little, but it’s not “fixing” a damn thing

  12. As someone that commutes for work, please send them back to work from home, I don’t need over an hour commute for nothing.

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