Non-binding Bloc motion seeking money to boost seniors’ benefits passes without Liberal support

Source: Feedmepi314


  1. Interesting that the CPC voted in favour of the OAS boost given the price tag.

    Could create an opening for the LPC to attack the CPC given the extra $16 billion in spending this creates over the next 5 years when Poilievre claims to want to “fix the budget”.

    They could sharpen their existing attack and ask what programs, like child care and dental care that the CPC have been non-committal on keeping that they would cut in order to finance $16 billion extra for seniors.

    Maybe it could bring some millennial voters back to the Liberal fold if framed as the CPC are cutting your child care subsidiary, while transferring a large sum of money to boomers (generally seen as well off due to home ownership etc – yes this is a generalization).

    However, seniors are one of the LPC’s better demos so who knows. It could just tank the LPC’s numbers more. Maybe some seniors would buy the “generational fairness” argument but I kind of doubt it.

  2. This is probably the best scenario the Liberals can hope for, if an election so called over this. Rather than being about the economy, it will be about some stupid wedge issue that most people don’t care about. I don’t see any scenario in which the Liberals could have a better situation, even though it is still dire.

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