Quebec music store owners fear closure under new French-language labelling rules

Source: SpecialistPlan9641


  1. Every story of this stuff seems comical. Like it seems designed to make the news, like lets fuck this random guy over so french people think we’re doing something.

  2. >Long is among those raising concerns about the new law’s Article 51. It says every inscription on a product, its container, its wrapping or on any document or object supplied with it — including the directions for use and the warranty certificates — must be drafted in French.

    Well yes, so that the people actually buying your products can understand those directions. Wild concept, I know.

    >”If you go by the letter of the law, there won’t be any music stores in Quebec,” he said.

    And when was the last time language laws in Quebec were respected “to the letter”, with the pitiful amount of resources put historically in their enforcement?

    Like another poster said, this is just rage bait for an hypothetical problem that will most likely never goes anywhere.

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