JD Vance brings ‘sanewashing’ to the debate stage

Source: msnbc


  1. **From Ryan Teague Beckwith and Allison Detzel:**

    Coined in 2020, “sanewashing” has recently become a hot term among media critics who think that coverage of some of Donald Trump’s speeches ignores his more outlandish remarks.

    The term came back into the spotlight last month after the former president delivered a particularly incoherent answer at the Economic Club of New York. After one member asked Trump a very specific question about the rising cost of child care, the Republican presidential candidate responded with a two-minute rant about tariffs, the deficit and fraud.

    **Read more:** [https://www.msnbc.com/top-stories/latest/vance-walz-debate-sanewashing-trump-rcna173561](https://www.msnbc.com/top-stories/latest/vance-walz-debate-sanewashing-trump-rcna173561)

  2. All he cares about is making his “daddy” happy.

    Vance is like a smooth talking snake oil salesman whose only agenda is MEIN FUHRER is the best. Vote for him and you won’t have to worry about about voting anymore.

  3. We have laws that protect people with preexisting conditions – YES ITS CALLED OBAMACARE ACA!!!

  4. che-che-chester on

    I’m yelling at the screen for obvious comebacks Walz isn’t making but Trump and Vance say so much crazy shit everyday that one person can’t possibly remember it all. In the end, Walz just needs to hold his own and be his likeable self. I predicted there would be no clear “winner” in this debate.

  5. Mediocre_Jelly_3669 on

    Vance is certainly losing the debate, but is somewhat making up for it by being polite and at least seeming more sane than how he’s come across in the past.

  6. Virtual_Ad1704 on

    He was almost getting away with it until he refused to say trump lost the election

  7. Virtual_Ad1704 on

    He was almost getting away with it until he refused to say trump lost the election

  8. AWholeNewFattitude on

    For once, I would like them to call out the hypocrisy on how somehow everything that happened under Biden is Kamala Harris’s fault but somehow everything that happened under Trump is not Trump’s fault. Covid’s not his fault, January 6 is not his fault, the peaceful transfers power not his fault, job losses due to Covid not his fault, but somehow everything Biden did under his presidency is Kamala’s fault.

  9. He also said “ Kamala did t do anything for the manufacturing sector or bring jobs to it”. Walz hit back with a number of jobs added and then Vance rebutted and said, they brought none. He practiced saying the same thing over and over to wash out the truth.

  10. The man is terrifying. He’s spewing bullshit, but it’s coherent and convincing enough that some people will believe it…

  11. iStayedAtaHolidayInn on

    If Trump feels overshadowed by Vance’s performance you can guarantee he will want to get the spotlight back on him and demand another debate. Count on it

  12. JD Vance tried to say Trump “saved” Obamacare? That January 6th was peaceful?

    That is really f$&)ing insulting to those of us that lived through it and read the news, and watched the videos.

    And the “concepts of a plan”? Trump has had 9+ years to disclose his health care plan and formulate it — he promised to release it in 2016 and never did.

    Watching the revisionist history is really aggravating.

  13. Creative-Claire on

    He’s a creep. Repeating the mods names over and over like he read some incel handbook on talking to women.

    Weak, creepy weirdo.

  14. I have to give it to Vance, he is a slick talker. To me it felt like he tried to stay true to his overlord but also give himself a platform when shit hits the fan for a continued career and maybe run for office one day. My positive even with his spewing lies is that he had the decency to not yell over his opponent and bring a little more class than Trump ever could. I think he knows Trumpism days are numbered and it is such a huge let down that he back tracked off his original opinion about Trump. It would be nice to have a straight face Republican again.

    Walz started out seemingly nervous, I certainly would be, but I feel that actually helped him in a way. He seems much more in tuned with American people and admits his mistakes openly. I think he handled himself very well, argued valid points and called out the BS on Vance’s claims. It was a really surreal moment when Walz asked Vance to admit Trump lost the election. Walz governing of Minnesota has been stellar and I want that type of leadership brought into the White House. Its time to stop fear mongering and lying and to start doing!

    Harris and Walz have my vote.

  15. It’s amazing how susceptible people are to gaslighting. The daylight between Trumps agenda and how Vance portrayed his agenda is enlightening. This appearance was carefully put together to tell independents what they want to hear, not the truth. Unfortunately, people are naive enough to buy it. Vance is dangerous.

  16. All throughout the debate I was yelling “SOPHISTRY! SOPHISTRY! DO YOU [REDACTEDS] KNOW THAT’S SOPHISTRY!?”

  17. He is a MUCH better liar than trump. I mean, he told some whoppers but he doesn’t ramble, lose his train of thought, make up words, etc.

    But even tho they’re slick lies…they’re still lies.

  18. He found a way to blame literally everything from housing, health care, inflation etc on illegal immigration. If only there was a bill this year to address this issue.

  19. Stunningfailure on

    This isn’t going to be popular, but I’m truly angry at Walz.

    To hell with politeness. This higher road bullshit is what got us a Supreme Court that is single handedly dismantling American democracy.

    Conservatives need to be called on their bullshit when and where it occurs. They aren’t your fucking colleagues, they are actively working to subvert democracy.

  20. Flashy_Occasion9218 on

    I hate that a good chunk of folk will think Vance won because he wasn’t as nervous as Walz.. Walz did so well and had substance. Called him out for J6 and even on things like regulations.

  21. Excellent_Past7628 on

    I got sick of watching Vance constantly trying to do his best Jim Halpert impression while side-eying the camera.

  22. Think_Measurement_73 on

    vance was looking stupid, and I felt like Tim Walz did a good job with playing on vance conscience, because keep in mind not so long ago, he hated trump and talked about him badly, and that is why Tim Walz kept saying nice things to vance, because everybody know that vance really don’t like trump, but he found a way to get a little attention, and think he can get power by lying like trump, instead of telling the truth, like he once did concerning trump. vance did not do his self any good.

  23. I don’t know if it was real people or propagandists, but the number of people talking about how civil things were, and how smart and likable Vance seemed — it’s sort of shocking when this same guy is advocating the deportation of legal immigrants. Vance has abhorrent views. He can articulate them in a palatable way. That is not a good thing.

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