Sky above Israel as Iran attacks

Source: tenebrium38


  1. Born too late to deploy to the Middle East.

    Born too early to deploy to the Middle East.

    Born just in time to deploy to the Middle East.

    Jesus, the Mets make it to the playoffs and suddenly WW3 starts.

  2. Cultural_Champion543 on

    The fireballs in the sky are the missles reentering the atmosphere – these things are falling from space

  3. 1970s_MonkeyKing on

    From this viewpoint and some others, it looks like a concentrated attack? Anyone care to guess the pinpoint?

  4. Really wish they recorded this on a Google Pixel 9 instead of a god damned Galaxy S2

  5. Why do the missiles look like they are moving so slowly? I would have thought that even with the distance, a ballistic missile would appear to move faster than that. These look the same speed as the Hamas rockets.

  6. BredYourWoman on

    USA be rubbing their hands together now like “Hey guys look, Iran just gifted us a free invasion pretext!”

    Meanwhile the rest of the middle east will line up for another gulf war coalition so they can pillage the spoils and the private rebuild/reconstruction corporations are already discussing bids for afterwards. The Saud family are sipping tea

  7. FoundationOpening513 on

    Israel just got absolutely pounded. David Sling, Arrow and Iron Dome all on annual leave.

  8. FoundationOpening513 on

    The world cheered when Israel was hitting defenceless civilians reading their newspaper in a residential building while getting bombed by bunker busters from a squadron of F15 eagles. Here we have Iran overwhelming a nation that can defend itself with the best anti air system in the world.

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