Column: Newsom wants Californians to help on climate. He should help too

Source: Sammy_Roth

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  1. Hey all, I hope you’ll read my latest Boiling Point column for the L.A. Times and let me know what you think. Here’s how it starts:

    >*“Every day, Californians are taking small actions that collectively are helping us create a better world for our kids and grandkids,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a written statement last week. “From saving water and planting trees to taking public transit and being disaster ready — we’re all in this together.”*

    >*If only the governor’s actions backed up his words.*

    >*Shortly after announcing the Climate Action Counts campaign, described as an effort to engage 1 million people in climate action, Newsom vetoed two bills that would have helped Californians burn less fossil fuel.*

    >*One bill would have reversed a decision by Newsom’s appointees to the Public Utilities Commission that makes it more expensive for apartment renters, farmers, schools and strip malls to install rooftop solar panels.*

    >*The other bill would have required newly sold gas stoves to come with health warning labels, because they spew nitrogen dioxide, benzene and other potentially deadly pollutants. Gas also heats the planet when burned.*

    >*So on the one hand, we’ve got Newsom encouraging us to save water and take public transit, which is great.*

    >*On the other hand, we’ve got Newsom keeping schools and renters from going solar — and making it harder for people to find out that buying a gas stove instead could result in their kids suffering from asthma attacks.*

    >*What the hell is going on?*

    >*Politics, if I had to guess.*

    Again, I hope you’ll read the whole thing and share your thoughts. If you’re interested, you can sign up to get Boiling Point in your inbox here: [](

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