Liberal MP says he shouldn’t be silenced in the House of Commons for linking Conservatives to Vladimir Putin

Source: aballinga


  1. Then the CPC shouldn’t be silenced for linking them to China, Iran, and India.

    Your logic, buddy.

  2. Ok-Somewhere9814 on

    Saving time
    >To back up his claim, Baker noted that the Conser­vat­ives voted against a trade agree­ment between Canada and Ukraine — one the Tor­ies said they objec­ted to because it included an endorse­ment of car­bon pri­cing — as well as gov­ern­ment spend­ing that included funds for train­ing Ukrain­ian sol­diers dur­ing last year’s mara­thon vot­ing ses­sion in the House of Com­mons.

    >The Con­ser­vat­ives have expressed sup­port for that train­ing mis­sion, which began when their party was in power.
    Baker also said Poil­ievre has expressed sup­port for back­ing Ukraine but did not say whether he would abide by a 10-year secur­ity deal Ott­awa inked with Kyiv in Feb­ru­ary. An Angus Reid poll from around that time sug­ges­ted Con­ser­vat­ive voters were more likely to think Canada is giv­ing too much to Ukraine, which Baker cited as evid­ence that the party is cater­ing to these feel­ings.

    >For these reas­ons, Baker said he believes it is fair to claim the “Putin wing” has “taken over” the Con­ser­vat­ive party, since he sees its pres­ence as sig­ni­fic­ant. And given that he views the war as essen­tial to Cana­dian national secur­ity, Baker said he is will­ing to stand by his com­ments des­pite the deputy speaker’s rul­ing against him.

  3. One of the last plays always in the Liberal toolbox is to import American politics.

    Abortion, gun control, Russian interference blah blah blah.

    I want to afford groceries. Fuck off.

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