So what do you all think about this. Credit to the person who posted it on another sub. This is the new Australia.

Source: Time-Elephant3572


  1. AcademicMaybe8775 on

    the fuck is this shit. can the cookers that pissed on the war memorial head to sydney and give this the appropriate treatment please

  2. Impressive-Style5889 on

    To be fair, the the Emir of Mecca lead the Arab revolt against the Ottoman empire.

    Lawrence of Arabia was doing his thing during WW1, so I’m not sure the reference to the ANZAC memorial.

    They served their own purposes, but they weren’t in opposition.

  3. God this fear mongering is boring. Can we think of something new to be afraid of. At least in the US, they are talking about Haitians eating cats and dogs. It’s been fun to mock people posting about it. But this… this is just so done I can’t even find the energy to laugh at it.

  4. Judging by the number of aboriginal flags flown at Hamas protests I would say the traditional landowners would not have a huge issue with this.

  5. RecipeSpecialist2745 on

    Of course every meme on social media is real. I cannot find this image anywhere else. Which leads me to question the post entirely. Until clarity is given. But to all those who hate other religions, may I point out, that we are less than less than a 1000km away from the most populous Muslim country on the planet.

  6. Yeahbuggerit-thatldo on

    “Just 200 metres away from an ANZAC Memorial”. So fucking what. Do people realise our men and women fought to defend Muslims just as much as Christians. Yes of later years our wars have been against Islamic fundamentalists but there are a lot more Muslims that only want what we want and that is to go about their lives in peace. I know Australia is a Christian society and is governed by Christian laws but we also value the right for others to celebrate their religion in peace. The operative word here is “PEACE” This is was makes up modern Australia.

  7. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    A memorial for Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson would have been more fitting.

    It’s a replica of the Holy Kaaba, erected by the Rahma Mosque from Old Guildford. This initiative is clearly aimed at promoting Islam and their organisation. It’s important to note that this is about promoting the religion itself, rather than being directly related to individual Muslims. However, I guess the context and purpose of this installation might seem unusual to some.

    *Lets refresh the minds of those who might have forgotten*

    *On 15 December 2014, nearly 20 years after he arrived in Australia from Iran, Man Haron Monis took 18 people hostage in the Lindt Café in Martin Place and announced that Australia was ‘under attack by the Islamic State’. He demanded a debate with the Prime Minister on radio and have the Islamic State flag delivered to the café. The siege lasted for 16 hours and ended when police stormed the café.* 

  8. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    I am genuinely confused as to what your issue is. I have no idea how the Anzacs are relevant.

    I do not give a fuck what religion someone is. And the Anzacs were mostly people from a different time. They probably hated Muslims, but they probably also hated Asians, Queers, and the Irish. Having a religious monument vaguely near their memorial isn’t offensive.

  9. RalphMcfaldanutsen on

    Even if it’s fake, there’s lots of stupid people on here defending the cult of Islam. Scary.

  10. Truth_Learning_Curve on

    What I think?

    I’m not a fan of pandering to any religion. That being said, I’m a fan of freedom and anything that can bring people together.

    This means, as a society, showing others within our society that what they believe and practice (within the laws and framework of our agreed and accepted constitution) is ok and encouraged.

    In that regard, I’m ok with the structure. The fact that it’s 200 meters from another structure that celebrates accepted Australian culture, is irrelevant. They are not related nor conflicting.

    What I’m not ok with is posts as shown (the screenshot, not necessarily this reddit post as there’s not any additional opinion provided outside of posing a question to the sub); which in my assessment is a blatant racist dog whistle for people that want to be angry about others they don’t understand, who say they believe in freedom and then do everything in their power to restrict the freedom of those they disagree with, and attempt to appeal to base human emotional fear of opposing culture with no real pathway forward to promote our Australian culture in an inclusive and positive way.

    A better position to take would be, in my opinion, to question the use of public space for a religious structure (and possible public funding that contributes to the erection of the structure – I.e. tax payer dollars towards an untaxed organization).

  11. One-Connection-8737 on

    Can we fuck the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their “preaching carts” out of Hyde Park while we’re at it?

  12. AdvertisingFun3739 on

    Isn’t it a free country? Why does a cube bother you so much more than the dozens of churches already around the cbd?

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